- November 2, 2018

The International Disability Alliance is thrilled to announce the beginning today November the 1st of its follow up the mission to Kenya, which will last till Friday 9th. The purpose of the mission is to exchange with all relevant stakeholders, including State officials, human rights bodies and organisations of persons with disabilities, on the main steps forward taken and the challenges that still lay ahead for the implementation of the CRPD and the CRPD Committee Concluding Observations adopted for Kenya in 2015.

The team for the mission counts with the special participation of the expert Mr. Martin Babu MWESIGWA, CRPD Committee member from Uganda, whose predisposition to join IDA publicly recognises and appreciate. IDA´s Treaty Bodies Unit and Mr. MWESIGWA have a full schedule of meetings with the more various stakeholders, including in a visit to the county of Kisumu, relevant to the implementation of the CRPD Committee Concluding Observations.

The day of today began with a high-level courtesy meeting hosted by the Cabinet Secretary for Labour and Social Protection Amb. Ukur YATANI, who gave the follow-up mission team a very warm welcome at the Head-Quarters of the Ministry in Nairobi. He also elaborated on the main developments of the last years, as well as on some current challenges to implementing CRPD throughout the territory of Kenya, provoking a fruitful exchange and better understanding of the overall situation.

Afterward, the team visited the headquarters of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) and met Mr. George MORARA, Commissioner and Vice-Chairperson, and his team. The participants at the meeting discuss the work of the KNCHR in regards to the rights of persons with disabilities, especially in connection with its role as independent monitoring mechanism under Article 32(2) of the CRPD and with current key developments taken place. Finally, the team joins several members of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities at its headquarters to learn more details about its activity, its work also at the county level and the current challenges that it is an experience to better perform.

It has been a great first day of mission shared with Kenyans whose commitment to the rights of persons with disabilities it to be highlighted. IDA looks forward to continue what it will undoubtedly be a highly fruitful follow-up mission, hoping that it contributes –even if modestly- to strengthen current efforts and trigger further developments on the rights of persons with disabilities under the CRPD!

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Category: CRPD Committee

Country: Kenya

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