Commit resources to support strengthened disability data
All World Vision National Offices are following a standard process of understanding who are the most vulnerable in each context, including Children with Disabilities (CWD) and to what extent are they included in programmes. Programmes will be adapted to include, measure and report on the most vulnerable children, including CWD. WV will prepare a global summary report showing impact of programming on the world’s most vulnerable children, including CWD, including learning from a longitudinal study.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Disability will be mapped in 64 countries as part of mapping of ‘Most Vulnerable Children’ (MVC) to be complete by 30thSept. 2018. Programmes will be adapted for inclusion of CWD with other MVC by end of Sept 2019.All 64 World Vision national offices are to report on the progress towards impact for the most vulnerable children, including CWD, by April 2020, with a global summary report produced by May 2020. The longitudinal study will be completed by Sept 2022.

Commit to use the Washington Group questions
World Vision will promote the use of the Washington Group questions and disaggregated reporting of beneficiaries in our development programmes. We will collate learning on the use of the Washington Group questions and share learning with the BOND MEL and disability groups. Learning to be applied to current and future programmes where relevant. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
This commitment to be completed by September 2019.

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World Vision

World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek j

NGO - International