- October 27, 2017

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights–Regional Office for Europe, the European Network of Equality Bodies, the European Disability Forum and the International Disability Alliance jointly organised and facilitated a 2 days workshop directed to European OPDs representatives, of countries coming soon for review by the CRPD Committee. This activity took place in Brussels on October 17th and 18th and it was an opportunity to meet up with active and motivated representatives of organisations of persons with disabilities coming from different countries, such as Greece, Malta, Norway, Poland and Slovenia, among others. 

Together with the partners, the IDA, through its Treaty Bodies Unit engaged actively during this workshop and provide guidance to OPDs representatives On the 18th, Silvia Quan, current Senior Adviser on Human Rights facilitated a workshop session on how to better follow up to CRPD Committee Concluding Observations` implementation by States on the ground. Together with Ansofie Leenknecht, from the European Disability Forum, Juan Ignacio Pérez Bello, co-facilitated a workshop session on drafting of alternative reports to the CRPD Committee.

DPOs at the CRPD workshop session in Brussels, October 2017  DPOs at the CRPD workshop session in Brussels, October 2017

IDA is thankful of the close collaboration with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights – Regional Office for Europe, and the European Network of Equality Bodies, and the European Disability Forum, in the organisation and facilitation of this workshop, and continues to enhance cooperation for the better and coordinated provision of guidance to national organisations of persons with disabilities.

Read more on the workshop on the webpage of the European Disability Forum

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Category: CRPD Committee