From Thursday 15 to Wednesday 21 of November, Uganda is playing host to the second Module of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative. This is organised by the African Disability Forum (ADF), the National Union of Disabled Persons Uganda (NUDIPU) and the International Disability Alliance (IDA), with the support of the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) and their members; and financed by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Big Lottery Fund and CBM.
- Read more information on the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative
- Read what happened during the first module in April 2018
- Read the report
On this page:
- Objectives
- Preparation of Trainers
- Summary of day 1
- Summary of day 2
- Summary of day 3
- Summary of day 4
- Summary of day 5
- Summary of day 6
- Summary of day 7
- Download:
List of participants - Bridge Mod. 2 Uganda
The Bridge CRPD-SDGs aims to support organisations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) and disability rights advocates to develop an inclusive (all persons with disabilities) and comprehensive (all human rights) CRPD perspective on development, including the post-2015 agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This will reinforce their advocacy for inclusion and realisation of rights of persons with disabilities.
The second module Bridge is focused on the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies, including on legal harmonization, budget advocacy, data collection and the use of the UN monitoring mechanisms. In addition, participants will share the main findings of their individual assignments, and will meet key stakeholders in order to influence national public policies.
On the 13 November, the facilitation team worked together, in order to ensure a smooth preparation, in particular, using tools of inclusive facilitation. On the 14 November, the facilitation team welcomed participants from underrepresented groups, including those with deafblindness, intellectual disabilities, deaf people, hard of hearing persons among others.
The facilitation team is supported by Michael Njenga, African Disability Forum (ADF) and Fatma Wangari HAJI, Inclusion International (II), Betty NAJJEMBA (ADF Bridge Learning Coordinator), Elizabeth Ombati (Bridge CRPD-SDGs Fellow), Agnes ABUKITO, Esther KYOZIRA, NUDIPU, George OKUDI, Down Syndrome International, Patrick EGESSA GIFT, IFHOH, Robinah ALAMBUYA, WNUSP, and Alradi Abdalla, with the support of Tchaurea FLEURY, Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordinator, Kathy AL JU'BEH, CBM International, and distant support from Berhanu TEFERA, African Disability Forum/ADF.
> Video summary of day 1 available at this page
The BRIDGE Uganda Module 2 started on the 15thof November! The workshop was opened by Edson Ngirabakunzi, Head of the National Union of Disabled Persons Uganda (NUDIPU), and Michael Njenga, African Disability Forum (ADF). The group had already attended the first module and was ready and prepared to discuss and learn more during this second Module.
In the opening session, the facilitation team presented the agenda and all feedback mechanisms, namely, Moodmoter, traffic light card, daily journal, daily evaluation team, among many other. A recap on fundamental CRPD articles was made, stressing their crosscutting, indivisible and interconnected with other articles of the Convention and all human rights.
In the afternoon, there was a deeper reflection on the CRPD and the SDGs and their linkages, exploring:
- How do we implement these two tools?
- How persons with disabilities can engage in this process?
- How can we make sure that the CRPD and the SDGs can be incorporated in the National Development Plans?
The discussions in plenary brought themes of development, inequalities, and inclusion. The group also noted the changes brought by the SDGs, after the Millennium Development Goals, with specific links to persons with disabilities. There was also a reflection on how the SDGs now look at the inequalities both at a National and Global level.
The trainers also recap on key elements of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) and the CRPD Committee.
The session was followed by a feedback on the policy paper/assignment that was given during the first Module of Bridge Uganda. Participants shared best practice in their assignment, important learnings from the process, main challenges to produce the assignments, key recommendations and how to participants would apply the knowledge and skills into their daily work?
The day was concluded by a very positive evaluation.
> Video summary of day 2 available at this page
In the morning, there was a recap of the first day with further discussions on the policy paper assignment experience and on the inclusive facilitation development, as well as a list of tips to improve inclusiveness in the participants’ group.
The substantive discussions started by the exercise ‘5 minutes 1 article’, with a group presenting on Article 5 of the CRPD on “Equality and non-discrimination”. The presentation showed how a person with disability could be exposed to discrimination and not being seen as a person entitled to the right to property on an equal basis with others, which the group very well linked to several principles of the CRPD. Thus, a similar exercise was undertaken based on the article 31 on “Statistics and data collection”, with the group presenting a case of a group of persons with disabilities who want to get data from a government’s office so as to be involved in a project on economic empowerment programs.
Later on, there was an introduction to public policy. Participants shared thoughts on what a public policy is, giving examples and sharing experience regarding designing public policies in an inclusive way.
The group discussed importance of legal harmonization, budget, and disaggregated data on persons with disabilities. Another component of the discussions referred to training: some governments might not have the knowledge required to implement a public policy inclusive of persons with disabilities, thus the need for the meaningful participation of and close consultation with Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (DPOs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in those processes of design, implementation, and monitoring of inclusive public policies.
Participants also reflected on the meaning of full and effective participation so they are prepared to contribute to National Public Policies design.
The discussions were followed by an exchange on experiences of participants on involvement in the design of policies of programs or regulations in the national framework. During this session, participants explained and analysed the level of involvements, challenges and possible solutions for future opportunities.
The substantive session was closed by a quiz on key elements to measure public policies, namely the 4As & 1Q: Availability, Accessibility, Affordability, Acceptability, Quality. Participants broke-out in groups to respond to the quiz.
The day was very well evaluated by participants.
> Video summary of day 3 available at this page
The third day of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training Uganda started with a recap of what participants have learned on the second day. After a first review of those activities, the group engaged in the “5 minutes 1 article” exercise on articles 19 on “Living independently and being included in the community” and article 23 on “Respect for and the family”. Both groups captured the importance of the marriage to the inclusion in society . The presentation related to article 23, showed a case of a woman who wanted to marry a person with a disability and the parents did not accept her decision. In the end, the family understood and gave their approval for the marriage.
The exercise on the CRPD articles was followed by a substantive session on gender, where participants had discussions on the intersection between gender and disability, as well as on equality and the elimination of gender roles.
Later on, a deep analysis was also conducted on the policy papers, which is a follow-up to the mandatory assignment completed in between modules 1 and 2 of Bridge CRPD-SDGs Uganda. A number of participants presented on their own assignment explaining on which article they focused on, which topics they were covering, how they framed the policy and how they planned the implementation phase. In this way, with the support of the facilitators, participants could receive comments and develop a better understanding of how to improve their policy papers. The feedback session went really well, and it was noted that participants tended not to focus on their own disability constituency, but considering a cross-disability perspective. Moreover, the facilitators stressed the important of using a clear language in the policy paper, as well as in the presentation itself, in order not to leave space for ambiguity and improve inclusiveness. The terminology used should, indeed, always be consistent with the UN CRPD.
In the afternoon, the session focused on participation of organisations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) in the policy design processes. The group discussed the current situation in the context of Uganda, with discussions on the design of budget and policies, including with the support from the international cooperation. Facilitators also explained the concept of “Twin-track approach”, which means that disability-inclusion (in line with the UN CRPD standards) must be applied both to disability-specific and mainstream policies and programs.
The group concluded the exercise by a long reflection on elements and the importance of inclusive program design for persons with disabilities.
The day ended with a rich discussion and a successful daily evaluation by participants.
> Video summary of day 4 available at this page
At the beginning of the day, participants revised the general recommendations given and shared the day before and further reflected on the substantive session on gender equality that was held on the third day.
The session was followed by the ‘5 minutes 1 article’ exercise. The first group presented a role play using a radio activity, that called for job applicants and selection. The participants showed through this presentation focused on Art 27 of the CRPD on ‘Work and Employment’ and showed how a job selection should be inclusive of persons with disabilities and how persons with disabilities should not be subject to discrimination in that phase. The second group shared about the art 13 of the CRPD on ‘Access to Justice’ with a presentation recalling the key elements of the article, including accommodation age and sex sensitive.
The morning continued with a substantive session on the harmonisation of the laws and the domestication process of the CRPD with intense discussions based on experiences from the participants in their interaction with law makers.
Following the general discussion, participants were divided in groups to work and analyse a specific Ugandan law, namelythe Employment Act, the Domestic Violence Act, and the Mental Health Bill.
After the discussions in break-out groups, participants presented their feedback on the law’s analysis. It was noted by all groups that there is the need of including explicitly all groups of persons with disabilities, in order to leave no one behind. It was also noted that, in any law, disability cannot be a reason to be treated in a different way comparing to others, as this constitutes discrimination.
The day ended with a very positive evaluation. The afternoon respected a break for participants to rest and get prepared for the rest of the week.
> Video summary of day 5 available at this page
At the beginning of the day, a group of participants engaged in an exercise to revise some more CRPD articles. There was, as well, a long discussion on education and the situation of children with disabilities in schools in Uganda, which led to a dialogue on how the Ugandan Organisations of Persons with Disabilities can advocate for inclusive education system.
There was also a presentation on the rights of women and girls with disabilities and the situation on violence against them in Uganda. The presenter also listed recommendations that will be useful for the participants to take into account in their daily work as advocates.
Later on, there was an open discussion based on the following guide question: What do you count in your daily life and why count? Participants answered saying what do they count in the daily life. This question brought the discussion to the issue of data collection. Collection of data is being done, currently, every 10 years through a census in Uganda. Participants discussed how to advocate for better data through disability disaggregation in the census and how to have census more often. The participants also identified key actors involved in the collection of data and reflected on who we are missing in the counting.
There was a roundtable discussion on budget and specifically on how the government assigns priorities to activities and programs and how the money of the government is spent. Particular attention was also given to the project spending cycle and CRPD compliant funding.
In the afternoon, the group engaged in an exercise of budget cycle planning. Participants had to divide in groups and each of them would represent a Ministry and another group would represent the OPDs advocating for funding allocated to CRPD compliant activities. There was the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, the one on Social Protection and they had to set their priorities to be reflected in the following yearly budget.
Participants found the exercise very useful, as they explored together, with the support of the facilitators, ways to be more specific and effective. For example, while speaking with the Ministry of Education, it is very important to underline and make a case on the cost of exclusion.
Later on, there was a preparation of the session with the stakeholders that would join the training on the subsequent day, day 6 of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training.
> Video summary of day 6 available at this page
In the morning, there was a recap of the activities undertaken on day 5. The activity was followed by the interaction with key stakeholders on public policies implementation, as a practical opportunity to use the knowledge acquired during the week, as well as bringing what learned from the Bridge Uganda first Module.
Participants were divided into two groups, a group meeting the representatives of the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development, and the Deputy Director of the Community Liaison Police. The second group worked on reviewing and inputting the report of the Ugandan national Inclusion Works workshop and other relevant documents.
In the afternoon, there was a feedback session on the public policy paper assignment with a constructive sharing of experiences between participants presenting their assignment work and participant asking questions.
The policy feedback session was followed by an interactive substantive session on the UN monitoring mechanisms, namely the High-level Political Forum (HLPF), the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), the Special Procedures, and the CRPD Committee. Participants and cofacilitators shared on the mandates of these mechanisms, their specificities, commonalities, and the important of strategically using them depending on the advocacy, technical support to their governments or desired international visibility. The session was extremely welcomed by all participants thanks to its relevant practical information, as well as the easy to understanding methodology used in the presentation, that was very inclusive of all groups.
The day was closed by a very positive group evaluation.
>Video summary of day 7 available at this page
The day started with a simulation of the State review before the CRPD Committee. The exercise was carried out dividing participants in three groups and assigning to each of the groups a different role: Participants States’ representatives, civil society organizations and members of the CRPD Cttee., reflecting the dynamics happening within the CRPD Committee reviews sessions in Geneva. This simulation was really useful to support participants set the basis for their contribution to the CRPD Committee review sessions.
Following the exercise on the State review before the CRPD Cttee, there was a recap of the activities that were completed in the previous days. Later on, participants elaborated and presented commitments regarding their work on advocacy for the inclusion of persons with disabilities.
The day ended with closing remarks and very constructive and inspiring feedback from the participants, as well as from the co-facilitators. It was well shared that participants will be back to their work with new energy and knowledge, which will be used to make their advocacy more effective and ease the coordination and collaboration with international and national stakeholders.
The Bridge Mod.2 training was followed by the WFDB East Africa workshop. More information on this event can be found at this page.