- February 20, 2018

To date, the CRPD Committee has dealt with 21 communications under the Optional Protocol to the CRPD, adopting its views and addressing diverse issues, including the right to equality and non-discrimination (Article 5), the right to liberty and security of the person (Article 14),  the right to vote (Article 29), among many others. These views constitute an important part of the CRPD Committee jurisprudence that provides standards to interpret the Articles of the CRPD.

IDA has been following up on the views adopted by the Committee, by producing summaries to facilitate access to this information. Recently, IDA has finalised the summaries of the 7 views adopted by the CRPD Committee in 2017, during sessions 17th and 18th, and updated the related website you can visit by clicking here.

Importantly, note that now all summaries contain links to the full views of the Committee in the different UN languages available for each case!

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