March 7, 2018

MANDATE OF THE SPECIAL ENVOY OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL ON DISABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY: Synergies among Universal Human Rights System in the framework of Agenda 2030

Geneva, 7th March 2018 Palais des Nations, Room XXIV, 11:30 - 1:00

The Special Envoy of the Secretary General on disability and Accessibility, the Permanent Mission of Chile, the Permanent Mission of México, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and International Disability Alliance,

Objective of the Meeting: Present the mandate of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General on Disability and Accessibility, Ms. María Soledad Cisternas, and discuss about synergies of this mandate with the universal mechanisms of Human Rights in the framework of Agenda 2030 and the full implementation of the CRPD.

The moderator of the panel discussion was H.E. Socorro Flores Permanent Representative of Mexico and co-chair of Group of Friends of the CRPD. Panellists were: Ms. María Soledad Cisternas, Special Envoy of the Secretary General on Disability and Accessibility; Mr. Facundo Chávez representative of Office the High Commissioner of HR; Ms. Catalina Devandas, Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disability; Ms. Silvia Quan, International Disability Alliance. 

Ms. Silvia Quan, Senior Human Rights Advisor, International Disability Alliance, welcomed Ms. Cisternas mandate and said that “Noting the work plan that the Special Envoy had just presented, there were many common priorities and collaboration opportunities, notably, enhancing the rights of persons with disabilities in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, capacity building at regional levels and awareness raising on inclusive education – the latter still faces enormous challenges worldwide”. Ms. Quan also highlighted the close collaboration that could be made possible with the various organizations of persons with disabilities – at national, regional and international level, and finished by saying that IDA looks forward to a rich and fruitful collaboration with the Special Envoy on Disability and Accessibility.



Address: Palais des Nations, Geneva

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 Palais des Nations, Geneva