The first-ever World Day for Assistive Technology was observed on June 4, 2024, as part of the Unlock the Everyday campaign, which was launched by ATscale, the global partnership for assistive technology. To urge AT users and actors to observe the day with due dignity, the International Disability Alliance, which is a founding member of ATscale, supported briefing meetings prior to the day, encouraged member organizations, partners, community of practice members and the Global AT User Network to be engaged in the celebration of the day in respective countries 

Four organizations that received microgrants under the IDA-ATscale project “Boosting AT User Engagement and Knowledge, Globally and Locally celebrated the day in Kenya, Lesotho, Nepal and Peru in different ways. The micrograntees organized high-level policy-influencing events with their respective national governments and led a widespread social media campaign that generated momentum to reach AT actors, such as policy makers and the government. The series of messages has been estimated to have reached close to a million people. This blog highlights the impact that the IDA-ATscale micrograntees created throughout the week of world AT day. 

On June 4, a program called "Fostering Collaborations to Enhance Access to Appropriate Assistive Technology to Everyone Who Needs it" was held by United Disabled Persons of Kenya (UDPK). Attendees at the conference included representatives from CSOs, OPDs, the Directorate of Social Development, and the Ministry of Health. On this day, UDPK launched a video documentary showing how AT affects the lives of people with disabilities. Kenyan media outlets were involved and published news on the importance of the day. You can find the UDPK media campaign on Facebook and LinkedIn. 

Lesotho celebrated the day with a high-level advocacy and awareness-raising event hosted by LNFOD, the Lesotho National Federation of Organizations of the Disabled. Attendees included the prime minister, senior government officials, legislators, development partners, private sector, OPDs, and non-governmental organizations. The one and only television channel in Lesotho carried a news bulletin that raised public awareness of the importance of AT in the lives of persons with disabilities. Five interview videos showcasing the impact of assistive technology on the lives of students with disabilities were released by LNFOD on this occasion. On 30th May, immediate before the world day, LNFOD held another capacity building event with the Ministry of Education on the impact of assistive technology in advancing inclusive education for children with disabilities. You can follow the LNFOD media campaign on Facebook. 

CODIP—the Commission of the Blind Ladies of Peru—hosted a webinar in honor of the World Day for Assistive Technology. OPD and CSO representatives attended the webinar. To raise awareness about AT, CODIP additionally executed a broad media campaign using social media channels. The CODIP media campaign is available on Facebook. 

On May 26, 2024, in the lead up to the celebration, the National Federation of the Disabled Nepal, Gandaki Province (NFDN Gandaki) hosted an AT Advocacy Toolkit validation workshop with local OPD leaders. On the day, NFDN sent out a press statement asking its members to take the lead in celebration of the occasion. They also carried out a widespread media campaign via social media. The NFDN media campaign on AT is available on Facebook.