- September 2, 2024

From September 2-5, 2024, the African Disability Forum (ADF) in collaboration with the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and Sightsavers International is hosting a first-of-its-kind regional conference titled “Persons with Disabilities in a Post-Pandemic World: Redefining the Inclusive Development & Humanitarian Agenda in Africa” in Nairobi, Kenya. Supported by CBM Global and Light for the World, this conference marks a significant milestone in the collective efforts to ensure disability inclusion across the continent.

On the last day of the conference, ADF, in coordination with IDA and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ), is hosting a Regional Disability Summit ahead of the Global Disability Summit (GDS) 2025. The discussions will focus on understanding the engagement of OPDs in previous summits to identify good practices and shortcomings, exploring how the GDS can act as a catalyst for implementing the rights of persons with disabilities in Africa, and assessing the 2018 and 2022 commitments from an African perspective to shape desirable commitments for 2025.

Leveraging the convening power of the African Disability Forum
As a continental membership organization, ADF represents Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) across Africa. It builds on the foundations of existing networks, including continental, sub-regional, and national federations of OPDs. This conference will serve as a unique platform for over 100 participants from diverse sectors, including governments, UN agencies, international organizations, the private sector, and civil society organizations. With a strong leadership role by OPDs, the conference aims to collaboratively outline priority issues for disability inclusion in Africa and develop an actionable plan to address current gaps.

The Summit is designed with several key objectives in mind:

  1. To build a shared understanding of the current challenges and priorities of persons with disabilities in the African region.
  2. To advocate for the urgent ratification and operationalization of the African Disability Protocol.
  3. To identify key advocacy opportunities that amplify the priorities set by the disability movement.
  4. To bring together governments, development actors, civil society organizations (CSOs), and the private sector to share learning, agree on a shared agenda, and identify the necessary resources to ensure inclusive development and humanitarian action.

The conference will feature a range of interactive formats, including plenary sessions, thematic roundtables, and experience-sharing zones, all designed to foster dialogue and innovation. These discussions will be centered around emerging global processes and the the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (African Disability Protocol), focusing on key topics such as positioning the protocol as a global model for disability inclusion, promoting disability-inclusive development , addressing poverty and inequality through social protection, enhancing education and economic opportunities, ensuring inclusive humanitarian assistance , promoting inclusive health and employment, exploring community inclusion strategies, and addressing the unique challenges faced by persons with disabilities in conflict, displacement, and crisis situations.

This Summit will facilitate OPDs to strengthen network, share strategies, and renew commitments to advancing the rights and opportunities of persons with disabilities in Africa. It is a pivotal opportunity to redefine the inclusive development and humanitarian agenda in Africa, setting a precedent for disability inclusion not only within the continent but globally. At the end of the conference and the pre-summit, two outcome documents will be adopted. One summarizing the good practices, challenges and opportunities for addressing rights of persons with disabilities and a call to GDS co-hosts, governments and other stakeholders to prioritize specific commitments on ending discrimination, ensuring accessibility, disability inclusive humanitarian assistance, inclusive employment and health among other issues.

For further information, contact Mirriam Nthenge (mnthenge [at], Shitaye Astawes (sastawes [at] or Nitya Agarwal (nagarwal [at]

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