- October 28, 2024

The ASEAN Disability Forum, the International Disability Alliance (IDA), and the International Disability and Development Consortium invite people with disabilities from the ASEAN region to join the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training. This training is for persons with disabilities representing OPDs who qualify and live in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Viet Nam.

The training will take place in February 2025 in Bangkok. The deadline for the application is November 17, 2024.

The medium of the training will be  English with simultaneous interpretation in the National Sign Languages. Where required, participants will be supported to have materials and access in Braille, closed captions, alternative script, or augmentative and alternative modes, means and formats of communication that they may be using. 

The intake of participants will be guided by the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Quality Criteria. 

Persons with disabilities from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. We welcome applications from all ages, levels of experience, all levels of literacy, and across the diversity of the disability movement, especially from those groups who face high restrictions in participation. 

Please read the call for applications for more details on the training, and see our Bridge CRPD-SDGs page for information on the imitative and previous trainings. 

How to apply 

If you are interested in applying, or are an organization that would like to propose a candidate, the following 3 materials are essential for the application process: 

  1. A statement about why you want to participate, and what you will do with your learnings. This can either be written, one page maximum, or via recorded oral or video presentation, including in sign language, no longer than 3 minutes. 
  2. An updated brief CV, not more than 2 pages long. Please include your gender, date of birth and if you are a person with a disability, your impairment group.
  3. A letter of recommendation on the letterhead of an organization of persons with disabilities that you work with. This can be which could be local, national, regional or within your continent, or an international organization. Alternatively, if you work with a group of persons with disabilities supported by an IDDC member or a human rights or humanitarian organization, you can provide a letter from them. This letter will show your connection to the organization. 

All application documents should be sent only to bridge_platform [at] by November 17, 2024.

Find further information on the attached Call for Applications in Word or PDF.