- December 3, 2019

Marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the international Disability alliance is pleased to share with you the report “Case studies collection 2019. Inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action”.

Jointly developed by the International Disability Alliance, CBM and Humanity and Inclusion, the report collects 39 examples of field practices inclusive of persons with disabilities in humanitarian context and disaster risk reduction (DRR), from 20 countries of intervention. The report is published as a support to the uptake of the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action and it aims to promote learning by example.

The case studies included in the report focus on:

  1. Inclusive disaster risk reduction and preparedness, showing how DRR and preparedness benefit by ensuring access and participation to persons with disabilities and organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs).
  2. Collecting and using disability disaggregated data for assessments and programming, such as through participatory research and rapid assessment studies on the situation of persons with disabilities during and after disasters.
  3. Participation of persons with disabilities and their representative organizations in humanitarian response and recovery, including projects led by OPDs, or done in collaboration between NGOs and OPDs.
  4. Removing barriers to access humanitarian assistance and protection though projects in which persons with disabilities and OPDs are at the center of assessing and addressing those barriers, and examples of humanitarian actors seeking external technical support.
  5. Influencing coordination mechanisms and resource mobilization, such as through disability-focused coordination mechanisms, as well as by influencing national Humanitarian Response Plans and pooled funding.

The publication has been supported by the Australian Government and the European Union Humanitarian Aid. Download the publication here.

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