5-6 November 2018
New York City
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) New York and Public Services International (PSI) organized a Global Trade Union Strategy Meeting on 5-6 November 2018 in New York City to reflect on inputs, joint campaigning and strategic opportunities for trade union action in the lead up to 2019. The main focus of the meeting was to outline a multi-layer action plan to be launched at the Commission for Social Development and carried forward throughout 2019. The meeting served as an opportunity to build strategic alliances with other major groups ahead of 2019 so that trade union priorities are mainstreamed. On 6 November, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities delivered a statement regarding inclusive employment practices during a panel session with representatives from Major Groups and other Stakeholders. The statement called for inclusive education and skills training, public investment to create decent employment, trade union membership of disabled workers, and strengthened partnerships between the workers’ movement and the disability sector.