- August 19, 2024

Know the updates from week 1 of the 31st Session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Last week, on August 12th, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities opened its 31st session.

Opening session on Monday, August 12th

This opening session stood apart from previous ones. On this occasion, the CRPD Committee devoted a significant segment to honor the memory of Sir Robert Martin, a CRPD Committee member and historic global activist with an intellectual disability. The New Zealand Ambassador attended and delivered a speech to pay tribute to Sir Martin’s life and work.

In other regular matters, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Chairperson of the CRPD Committee, other UN agencies, and civil society organizations delivered statements on recent developments and advocacy initiatives. The International Disability Alliance delivered a statement urging UN Member States, particularly at the GA's Fifth Committee and the ACABQ, to support a predictable calendar for States' reviews and to increase the regular budget for the CRPD Committee's activities, as well as to find solutions to address the backlog of State reviews.

Find more info on the opening session here.

States' Reviews: Burkina Faso, Benin, and The Netherlands

Burkina Faso: A First State Review Amidst a Complex National Context

The CRPD Committee conducted its first constructive dialogue with Burkina Faso on August 12th and 13th. The review revealed serious challenges related to non-international armed conflicts within the country, leading to a high number of internally displaced persons, including many with disabilities beyond what official numbers reflect.

Among many topics, the CRPD Committee emphasized the importance of closely consulting and actively involving organizations of persons with disabilities in the review of national legislation. The Committee also questioned whether the State was reviewing articles 243, 552(2), 628, 629, 641, and 663 of the Code of Persons and the Family to ensure compliance with Article 12 of the CRPD.

Benin: A First Review with Unclear Resources

Benin also underwent its first review with the CRPD Committee on August 14th. A key discussion point was the national Constitution’s Article 26, which excludes disability as a prohibited ground of discrimination and reflects a welfare paternalistic approach: "It looks after the disabled and the elderly" (emphasis added).

Budgetary resources were a concern, especially following the 2022 elimination of the National Solidarity Support Fund. The State’s unclear responses confirmed the fund's removal but lacked details on any mechanism or legal provision to reserve funds specifically for organizations of persons with disabilities.

In employment, while Decree 2023-325, enacted under Act 2017-06, aimed to improve the inclusion of employees with disabilities in the public sector, measures for the private sector appeared inadequately monitored.

The Netherlands: Pending Ratification of the Optional Protocol, Interpretative Declarations, and Implementation Challenges

The Netherlands was asked about its timeframe for ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention. Although the Council of State has advised twice on the matter, the State’s reply confirmed its commitment but highlighted the lengthy process ahead.

Upon ratification, the State adopted numerous interpretative declarations, raising general concerns under various articles. For example, regarding Article 23(1)(b) of the CRPD on the rights of persons with disabilities to exercise parental rights, The Netherlands declared that "the best interest of the child should be paramount," which prompted Committee members to seek clarification.

The constructive dialogue revealed that The Netherlands faces numerous challenges in implementing the CRPD. The role of municipalities is crucial, but they are far from fully embracing the CRPD and its concepts, with insufficient State support. Other issues included school exemptions for children with disabilities, inadequate action against violence towards women with disabilities, and abusive practices by police towards persons with disabilities, particularly youth receiving mental health care.

Participation of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities

The International Disability Alliance ensured the attendance of three OPD representatives from Burkina Faso and three from Benin for the first week of the 31st session. In Benin’s case, coordination with Sightsavers International supported two additional participants, resulting in a five-person delegation. IDA provided both technical and financial support, and a large delegation also attended from The Netherlands.

These delegations had the opportunity to engage with CRPD Committee members, share their concerns, and propose recommendations for their States. They also attended the constructive dialogues in person, closely following the information, responses, and new commitments from State officials.

Below are the messages shared by these OPD delegations:

Burkina Faso OPD Delegation:

“Our participation in the 31st session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities allowed us to present the situation of persons with disabilities in Burkina Faso. We had enriching discussions with Committee members and its Task Force on our country. Exchanges with the International Labour Organization (ILO) also provided insights into best practices for promoting employment and inclusive vocational training.

The commitment of the State of Burkina Faso to address the challenges identified during the dialogue was noted. We express our sincere gratitude to the International Disability Alliance (IDA) for its technical and financial support, which made our participation possible.”


Benin OPD Delegation:

“On behalf of the Fédération des Associations de Personnes Handicapées du Bénin (FAPHB), we extend our deep gratitude to the International Disability Alliance (IDA) for the exceptional support received for our participation in the Committee’s session. This important and first-ever mission to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities at the international level was made possible by IDA’s technical and financial support. We are confident that our joint efforts will continue to improve the situation of the rights of persons with disabilities. Thank you for your unwavering support, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration.”


Dutch OPD Delegation, with whom both IDA and its member the European Disability Forum had the chance to collaborate:

“Our delegation was honored to attend the 31st session of the UNCRPD Committee and speak with Committee members in person. We appreciated the detailed and critical questions addressed to the Dutch government and look forward to the concluding observations.”

Meeting International Public Officials in Geneva

During their visit to Geneva for their State review, OPD representatives had the opportunity to meet with international public officials working on disability rights. Benin and Burkina Faso representatives discussed employment and social protection with Mr. Stefan Tromel, Senior Disability Specialist at the International Labour Organization. Dutch OPD representatives met with Ms. Martina Balciunayte, a member of the Human Rights and Disability Team of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, to discuss care and support, a strategic focus of the office, among other topics.

Second Week of the Session (August 19th to 23rd)

This week, the CRPD Committee will review four countries: Ghana, Belarus, Belgium, and Denmark. For each review, organizations of persons with disabilities have submitted alternative information and views. The schedule for the constructive dialogues (CET) is as follows:

  • Ghana: Monday, August 19th, 3 pm to 6 pm, and Tuesday, August 20th, 10 am to 1 pm.
  • Belarus: Tuesday, August 20th, 3 pm to 6 pm, and Wednesday, August 21st, 10 am to 1 pm.
  • Belgium: Thursday, August 22nd, 10 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 6 pm.
  • Denmark: Friday, August 23rd, 10 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 6 pm.

All public sessions will be webcast by UN Web TV.

Find the Programme of Work for the 31st CRPD Committee session here.

All documents related to the session, including public alternative reports by organizations of persons with disabilities, are available here.