The Committee against Torture published new Concluding Observations including references to the rights of persons with disabilities
Last week, the Committee against Torture closed its 81st session, in which it held constructive dialogues with and adopted Concluding Observations on Cameroon, Jordan, Kuwait, Mongolia, Namibia and Thailand.
The Human Rights Committee releases Concluding Observations from its 142nd session
Last week, the Human Rights Committee published its Concluding Observations on Ecuador, France, Greece, Iceland, Pakistan and Turkiye, adopted during its
Integrating disability rights into climate action – now!
There is an urgent need for the recognition of an official disability constituency in the intergovernmental climate negotiation process. This will allow persons with disabilities to bring their perspectives and experience to clima
CEDAW Committee releases 89th session Concluding Observations with nearly 80 recommendations and references on women with disabilities
Last week, the Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against women published its eight Concluding Observations on Benin, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Japan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, New Zealand and Saudi Arabia, adopted foll