Workshop on ensuring the rights of indigenous persons with disabilities in line with the UN CRPD, in connection with the UN DRIP and the Agenda 2030
From 20 to 23 August, the Indigenous Persons with Disabilities Global Network (IPWDGN), the Narok South Disability Network and the International Disability Alliance (IDA) are hosting the Workshop on ensuring the rights of indigenous persons with disabilities in line with the UN CRPD, in connection with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (DRIP) and the Agenda 2030, with support from the Disability Rights Advocacy Fund (DRAF) and MFA Finland.
Reporting the SDGs implementation in line with the CRPD in Kazakhstan
From 6 to 10 August, the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan together with the Commission for the rights of people with disabilities named after Kairat Imanaliyev, with support and facilitation from the International Disability Alliance (IDA), held a technical workshop on Reporting the SDGs implementation in line with the CRPD in Kazakhstan.
Workshop on the CRPD Committee's Review Process in Niamey, Niger
In collaboration with the Fédération National de Personnes Handicapées du Niger, on May 28, 29 and 30 2018, IDA held a 3 days’ workshop on the CRPD review process. This workshop was developed in the lead up to the process of review of Niger by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, beginning next September with the adoption of the List of Issues by the Committee.
Days 5-7 of Bridge CRPD-SDGs First Module Uganda
Summary of days 5-7 of Bridge CRPD-SDGs First Module Uganda