Bridge CRPD-SDGs African region - Module 1, Kenya, 2021
The United Disabled People of Kenya (UDPK), African Disability Forum (ADF), International Disability Alliance (IDA) and International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) with their members, hosted the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative
Call for applications: Bridge Ethiopia 2021
Bridge CRPD-SDGs Ethiopian cycle - Module 1, 5th to 12th of August 2021
Bridge CRPD-SDGs Fellowships
Bridge CRPD-SDGs is an intensive training programme that aims to support organisations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) and disability rights advocates to develop an inclusive (all persons with disabilities) and comprehensive (all human rights) CRPD perspective on development, including the post-2015 agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to reinforce their advocacy for inclusion and realisation of rights of persons with disabilities.
Bridge CRPD SDGs training initiative - Module 2 in Tanzania
Module 2 of Bridge CRPD-SDGs training Tanzania Cycle was held from 14th to 20th January 2020 in Arusha, Tanzania.
Capacity building workshop: reflections from Bridge CRPD-SDGs module 1
From 13 to 15 August, the West Africa Federation of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (WAFOD) is holding the Capacity building workshop: reflections from Bridge CRPD-SDGs module 1.
Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative In Numbers!
Read more about the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative In Numbers!