>> Update from Days 2 to 4 (29-30 September)
>> Update from Day 5 (2 October)
>> Update from Days 6-8 (3-5 October)
>> BRIDGE Training of Trainers Module B, Brighton, 28 September to 5 October 2017
Sixteen trainees are currently undergoing the BRIDGE CRPD-SDG Training of Trainers Module B, in Brighton, between 28 September and 5 October. The trainees include leaders with disabilities from Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and Latin America, who are all involved in national and regional advocacy as well as in the delivery of BRIDGE CRPD - SDG. Background information on the BRIDGE SDGs CRPD training
During the first day, the trainees provided feedback on past BRIDGE CRPD-SDG cycles in East-West Africa and the Pacific, which had provided DPOs at national level to engage more with governments and intergovernmental agencies in the region. The BRIDGE CRPD-SDG training has also led to DPOs to look more into SDG reporting and working on regional accessibility standards. Participants noted how BRIDGE provides an opportunity for cross learning and exchange and networking, and improvements in accessible delivery of sessions. In addition, according to participants’ feedback, although not part of the design of BRIDGE CRPD-SDG, the training has fostered the growth of the movement in several countries and strengthened coalitions.
Session 1 of the day focused on CRPD-inclusive development and public policy, covering states obligations, public policy and governance in various contexts. The trainees discussed the motivation for advocacy and engagement with the DPO movement. In addition, they discussed the human rights based approach principles, the CRPD principles, states obligations and processes that can facilitate success or failure of public policies.
During the afternoon session, trainees discussed the importance of inclusive participation, and the role that the trainees would have as future BRIDGE CRPD-SDG trainers, their strengths and weakness in delivering inclusive facilitation as a trainer. The trainees considered the essential skills for good facilitation and the importance of accessibility, and flexibility in the delivery of training based on the context and broad range of participants in any given training.
A key activity for the ToT session was the preparation of a practical session on the recap of a particular Goal of the SDG, in relation to the CRPD articles, whereby trainees will be asked to present on how the CRPD can be used to make the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs fully inclusive. The trainees will prepare an inclusive presentation on why it is essential to frame the SDGs in line with the CRPD. The presentations will become BRIDGE CRPD SDG material which trainees may use during the delivery of training at national and regional levels.
At the end of the day, the trainees evaluated the day positively, both through the Moodometer, as well as with an informal qualitative feedback session.
For more information and documents: