Access to financial services 
In partnership with development partners, Senegal has implemented economic projects for disabled people's organizations.For illustration, 62,195 individual and collective socio-economic projects for a total cost of 2.3 billion under the National Program for Community-Based Rehabilitation from 2012 to 2017.These achievements will be consolidated as part of a multisectoral approach. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Timeframe of the national action plan on disability 2017-2021 in coherence in the long term with the timeframe of the Emerging Senegal Plan set at 2035. 

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Commitment theme: Year:

Republic of Senegal Ministry of Health and Social Action

The Republic of Senegal Ministry of Health and Social Action, under the authority of the Prime Minister, prepares and implements the policy defined by the Head of State in the field of health
