Representation and empowerment of persons with disabilities 
The Constitution of the Republic of Namibia guarantees equality before the law for all Namibian citizens and entrenches fundamental rights and freedoms in Chapter three of the Namibian Constitution. Namibia commits to Policy, legislation and its implementation by working towards the enactment of new and amendment of existing legislation in particular the enactment of a Disability Act and the amendment of the National Disability Council Act 26 of 2004 by 2019. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
The Government of the Republic of Namibia will educate and inform people with disabilities and broader society on the rights of people with disabilities so as to wipe out the myths that is fuelled by superstition and discrimination and also the misunderstanding that is associated with medical condition as opposed to human rights. We will committee ourselves to continue lobbying for self-representation at all levels of governance. 

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