Policy, legislation and its implementation
We will further our work with DPOs to support the development and implementation of policies which promote the rights and inclusion of all PWD. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
We will strengthen the capacity of DPOs to advocate for the adoption and implementation of policies to ensure accessibility for all types of disabilities. Through our policy and influencing work, we will seek to influence the practices of service providers, policy makers, academics, the private sector and civil society on accessibility to reflect national and international standards. We will also support DPOs to expand their role in implementing and monitoring of the Global Goals and the UNCPRD.         

Representation and empowerment of persons with disabilities
ADD International commits to further strengthening the organisational capacity of over 100 DPOs in 5 countries of Africa and Asia so that they become sustainable and inclusive organisations that are effective in supporting PWD to access opportunities and in advocating for changes in attitudes, policy and practice. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Our global programme will be delivered in partnership with DPOs and contain a strong focus on capacity building (CB). This will include provision of technical support, providing strategic inputs such as equipment; accompaniment in project design, delivery and MEL; strategy development; and brokering links with organisations, powerholders and funders. We will work closely with DPOs so that PWD can play an active role in legislative, planning and service delivery processes and hold powerholders accountable. 

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ADD International

ADD International is an ally to the global disability movement. We partner with disability activists in Africa and Asia. What we do:

NGO - International