Capacity building: teachers and staff
Chance for Childhood commits to continue supporting, and roll out, training in disability awareness, identification of special learning needs and inclusive teaching methodologies as well as learning support assistance in Kenya, Ghana and Rwanda, ensuring children with disabilities are supported to complete a full cycle of quality, inclusive education in SDG 4 targets 4.1 and 4.2

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
By 2020, Chance for Childhood will train Early Childhood staff from 20 service providers across Rwanda in collaboration with UNICEF Rwanda, in the early identification of special learning needs and inclusive teaching methodology for children aged 0 to 5. In Kenya, CfC will work with the Kenyan Institute for Curriculum Development to repackage the upcoming competency-based curriculum for previously out-of-school children, alongside the development of inclusive toolkits, ensuring Inclusive Education support nationally.

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Commitment theme: Year:

Chance for Childhood

We’re helping street children, children with disabilities, child-headed households, child soldiers, those traumatised by violence & conflict, and children born into trafficking and prostitution

NGO - Regional