Additional resources and implementation
From 2019/20 Fiscal Year onwards we will expand the government’s tertiary education scholarship programme to cover courses in Inclusive Education.
Inclusive education sector plans
By 2020 we will finalize and adopt the Inclusive and Special Education Policy and develop a costed implementation plan.
Capacity building: teachers and staff
- By end 2020, at least 500 Sector and District level Education Officers will be trained and facilitated to monitor and assess Special Needs Education provision in schools.
- By end 2019 we will develop a plan to roll-out the Guide to Inclusive Education for Mainstream Teachers (REB, 2016) nationwide. By end 2020, at least one teacher in every primary and secondary school in Rwanda will have been trained to use the guide and deliver training on it to other school staff.
- By end 2020 inclusive education will be made a compulsory component of curricula offered by all accredited Teacher Training Centers and Teacher Training Institutes.
Policy, standards and regulations
- By end 2020, every school in Rwanda will include Inclusive Education actions in their Annual Plan and Performance Contract.
- By end 2020 we will develop and roll-out Minimum Standards of Care and Inclusion for children with disabilities to be applied in all education and care centers, including Early Childhood Development centers and residential care homes.
- By end 2020 we will adapt the National Curriculum for use in special schools and centers for children with severe disabilities.