Access to decent work
HI commits to increasing opportunities for decent work for job seekers with disabilities, by building workplace pipelines, skilling up job seekers with disabilities to meet local market demand while simultaneously training employers on how to be inclusive, and then ultimately matching skills to jobs. HI commits to building and/or strengthening this type of pipeline in the Philippines, Chad, Senegal, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, Bolivia, Haïti, and other countries.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan: HI commits to implement this over the next five years.          

Reasonable accomodation in the workplace and training institutions
HI commits to creating and piloting a digital tool to teach livelihood stakeholders in low and middle-income countries (employers, INGOs, vocational training centers, governments, etc.) about reasonable accommodation. This tool will contain adapted solutions specifically created in low resource settings, with the overall goal of creating inclusive labour markets in developing contexts, ultimately getting more people with disabilities into decent work.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan: We aim to release the pilot to the public in 2019.       

Inclusive social protection systems
HI will help eradicate extreme and ultra-poverty for people with disabilities by scaling our disability-inclusive graduation model through 1) expansion of direct implementation of this model by HI into other countries and contexts, and 2) partnership with mainstream organizations to ensure that they can modify their graduation programming to include people with disabilities in the beneficiary pool. Minimally, this will occur in Bangladesh and Chad.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
HI will be announcing a newly signed goodwill MOU with BRAC in July 2018 and will refine HI’s technical assistance model on disability – inclusive graduation programming as part of this agreement. We will implement disability–inclusive graduation projects in Bangladesh and Chad between 2018 – 2022 and promote this model throughout our country offices and Finally, over the next 5 years will work with mainstream implementers to develop and promote the “business case” for disability inclusive graduation uptake. 

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Commitment theme: Year:

Humanity & Inclusion

HI is an independent and impartial aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster.

NGO - International