The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) was created by an Executive Instrument 1 (E.I. 1) in January, 2013 as a successor to the Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs. The primary objective for its establishment was to have a Ministry responsible for policy formulation, coordination and monitoring and evaluation of Gender, Children and Social Protection issues within the context of the national development agenda.

This will lead to the achievement of gender equality, equity, the empowerment of women and girls, promoting the survival and development of children, thus ensuring their rights. It will also ensure harmonizing social protection interventions to better target the vulnerable, excluded and persons with disability and integrate fulfilment of their rights, empowerment and full participation into national development.

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Stereotypes, attitudes and behaviours
Government would intensify awareness raising activities in churches,mosques,schools,communities. Parents,families,communities,religious,traditional authorities, policymakers, Parliamentarians would be educated on the need to do away with  religious and cultural practices that stigmatise and discriminate against Persons with Disabilities. Rather they should embrace them as their children, siblings, parents, schoolmates, co-workers and respect their rights as members of the society.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
It is an ongoing exercise. A communication strategy has been developed. Media, community, schools, churches are used channels of communicating disability messages​. 

Theme: Eliminate Stigma and Discrimination
Year: 2018

Additional resources and implementation
The Ministry of Education and Ghana and Ghana Education Service is committed to accelerating the implementation of the IE policy and will prioritize:

1. Increased provision of infrastructural facilities for addressing the diverse learning needs of Children with SEND(Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and prioritize the training of teachers to support inclusive schools and special schools.

2. Progressively increasing the budgetary allocations for Inclusive Education, beginning with 1.5 percent increment in 2019.

Theme: Inclusive Education
Year: 2018

Amending legal frameworks
A technical committee with representations from Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs), Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) has been constituted to lead the review of the Ghana Disability Act,2006(Act 715) in line with the UNCRPD. The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MGCSP) would provide the committee with the required resources to work. It would also collaborate with other state institutions like Ministry of Justice and Attorney-General and Parliament to speed up the process. The review would include the required Legislative Instrument (LI).

Timeframe and/or implementation plan: April 2018 December, 2018.

Theme: Routes to Economic Empowerment
Year: 2018

Policy and guidance
Government policy on Technology and innovation would target more Persons with disabilities. Institutions would be encouraged to use Innovation and Technology to create employment for Persons with disabilities.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan: This is an ongoing effort.

Theme: Harnessing Technology and Innovation
Year: 2018

More resources would be provided to support programmes by the Ghana National Household Registry to compile data on Persons with disabilities.

The exercise which has been completed in two regions in the northern part of Ghana would be extended to the remaining eight regions of Ghana by December 2019.

Provisions on women with disability and girls would be included in the Affirmative Action bill under discussion by December, 2018.

Theme: Women and Girls with Disabilities
Year: 2018

To strengthen previous initiatives,a number of consultations would be held with the National Disaster Management to mainstream disability needs and concerns in its humanitarian activities.

Timeframe and/or implmenetaion plan: 2018 onwards.

Ghana has developed the Ghana Accessibility Standard for the built environment.

Government commits to work with relevant agencies to make the provisions in the Standard an integral part of the building regulations and being implemented by approval agencies by December, 2019

Theme: Conflict and Humanitarian Contexts
Year: 2018