
Policy, legislation and its implementation
We make a Law 27/2017 of 30 th November, of urgent measures for the application of the Convention on the rights of people with disabilities, done on New York on 13th December 2006. This law establishes cross-cutting measures in different areas. We create an Area of Equality Politics.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
We expect that the proposed legislation to enter into parliamentary procedure this year. When the normative is approved, we will envision these specific measures. Until then, we will continue working from the Area of Equality Politics.

Theme: Eliminate Stigma and Discrimination
Year: 2018

Policy, standards and regulations
The principle of inclusion rules the attention to the students with special educational needs. The students with disabilities are inside the school and they benefit of personal schooling projects made by the educational team (tutors and professors specialized on the areas, trained in terms of attention to diversity and specialized educators).The law establishes that all educative centers must watch out for the complete participation of students with disabilities on the different activities suggested by the school, whether they are educational or of cohabitation or others. We must guarantee that participation incorporating, if necessary, all the adaptations and the reasonable adjustments.More than the 95% of the students with disabilities make their mandatory education in an inclusive way on an equal basis with the others.School accessibility, since 2013 we have been prioritizing the performances in terms of accessibility referred to schools and the routes of access. Until now, we have invested approximately 1 million 400.000 euros.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
The Government adopted on January 2018 a proposed legislation of Regulation of the Educative System of Andorra, which modernizes the law of Regulation of the Educative System of Andorra of 9th June 1994. This project updates the concept of an inclusive school and reaffirms the inclusion of students with disabilities in the educative system of Andorra in every level. With these measures, we also comply with the UN Convention on the rights of people with disabilities.

Theme: Inclusive Education
Year: 2018

Access to decent work
Implementation of the Strategy for the labor integration of people with disabilities with a period of 4 years (2016-2019).Creation of the Network of inclusive enterprises with the aim of facilitate the right to work for people with disabilities inside the ordinary labor market on an equal basis.Compatibility of the solidarity pension for people with disabilities, no contributory with part-time work up to 150% of the minimum salary.Making of a handbook concerning good accessibility practices and making of an accessibility Catalogue.Creation of the service for Personal Autonomy, of counselling and delivery of support products.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
The Strategy for the labor integration of people with disabilities has a time limit until 2019.
The Handbook of Good Practices we expect to present it over 2019.
We are working on the accessibility Catalogue in cooperation with the city Council.

Theme: Routes to Economic Empowerment
Year: 2018

New programmes or services
The article 18 of the Law 27/2017 modifies the article 15 of the accessibility Law of 1995, relating to the accessibility to communication. The Government and the city Councils must establish the mechanisms and the technical alternatives that make communication accessible and usable, including the systems and technologies of information and communications (TIC) and the marking for all the population, specially watching out that all the public services are being made accessible for all people with disabilities. For this year, it has been approved a budget of 250.000 euros for technical aids. With the Service for Personal Autonomy, we expect the adaptation of housing and the deletion of architectural barriers, both for the guidance as for the economical aids in case of precariousness.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
We are implementing the different exposed measures according to the request.

Theme: Harnessing Technology and Innovation
Year: 2018

Commit resources to support strengthened disability data
Adoption of the Law 28/2017, of the 30th November, of the statistical Plan 2018-2021 where it is requested specific data about the group of persons with disabilities, disaggregated by sex, age and disability degree and the social provisions granted. The Law 6/2014 of social and socio-sanitary services entrusts the Government to determine the national politics of social and socio-sanitary services, to develop legally the legislation on this matter and to perform the exercise of the competences attributed by this Law and the rules that develop it. Also, we are developing a specific census of people with disabilities.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
We will publish the yearly statistical data in accordance with the Law.The National Plan of Social and Socio-sanitary Services (PNASS) will determine a diagnosis of the social needs and will establish the objectives to achieve, the strategic lines, the projects and the actions that need to be conducted, the execution calendar and the funding sources, as well as the way of doing the assessment and the update. We expect to finish this year for a period of four years. We expect to have the census this year 2018.

Theme: Data Disaggregation
Year: 2018

In relation to the protection and attention to the victims of gender-based violence, the Law 1/2015 for the eradication of the gender-based violence and the domestic violence establishes that in the case of a person with disabilities has been a gender-based violence victim, the professionals who take care of this situation will establish a coordination with the department who is in charge of the people with disabilities of the competent Ministry in terms of social affairs to assess the risks, the comprehension and the access to the necessary resources with the aim of facilitating the maximum support to the victim.The Law 6/2014, of social and socio-sanitary services and the regulations of development foresee services and economical aids to the victims of this kind of crimes.The guide of prevention of gender-based violence and domestic violence foresees a specific section of women and disability.We are currently working on a drafting Law of the rights of the Childhood and Adolescence where will be a specific section for the girls with disabilities.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
We expect the Law of Childhood and Adolescence to enter into parliamentary procedure this year.  We do a continuous monitoring of the exposed actions to adjust possible incidences.

Theme: Women and Girls with Disabilities
Year: 2018

The Government sponsored international projects that have people with disabilities as its main objective.It participates with 50.000 euros on an Iberoamerican project where it is being developed a Specific Program for people with disabilities.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
We give the sponsored each year. In the case of the Iberoamerican program, we are defining its temporality.

Theme: Conflict and Humanitarian Contexts
Year: 2018