Commit resources to support strengthened disability data
Adoption of the Law 28/2017, of the 30th November, of the statistical Plan 2018-2021 where it is requested specific data about the group of persons with disabilities, disaggregated by sex, age and disability degree and the social provisions granted. The Law 6/2014 of social and socio-sanitary services entrusts the Government to determine the national politics of social and socio-sanitary services, to develop legally the legislation on this matter and to perform the exercise of the competences attributed by this Law and the rules that develop it. Also, we are developing a specific census of people with disabilities.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
We will publish the yearly statistical data in accordance with the Law.The National Plan of Social and Socio-sanitary Services (PNASS) will determine a diagnosis of the social needs and will establish the objectives to achieve, the strategic lines, the projects and the actions that need to be conducted, the execution calendar and the funding sources, as well as the way of doing the assessment and the update. We expect to finish this year for a period of four years. We expect to have the census this year 2018.