Policy, legislation and its implementation
- Establish a Disability Trust Fund to support implementation of DPOS and other disability programmes by 2022.
- Implement the National Response Plan for Persons with Albinism by 2020.Review the Disability Act and other related policies and registrations to be in line with provisions of CRPD by 2021.
- Improve knowledge to address attitudes and harmful practices effecting men, women, boys and girls with disabilities by 2022.Promote the provision of information in accessible format by 2023.
Theme: Eliminate Stigma and Discrimination
Year: 2018
Inclusive education sector plans
- Early identification, assessment and interventions for children with disabilities by 2021.
- Capacity building of regular and specialist teachers on how to manage learners with disabilities at all levels by 2022.
- Training of caregivers in inclusive early childhood development by 2022.
Theme: Inclusive Education
Year: 2018
Inclusive social protection systems
- Remove all forms of discrimination in labour market and promote equity in selection, training and employment process as well as procedures to include the plight with persons with disabilities by 2022.
- Remove barriers to access financial resources and social security protection arrangements by 2021.
- Increase enrolments for persons with disabilities in vocational training centres to cover their interest and diversity by 2020.
Theme: Routes to Economic Empowerment
Year: 2018