Inclusive environments in the workplace
Leonard Cheshire commits to working with relevant actors to improve labour market participation and access to decent work for persons with disabilities. Leonard Cheshire commits to share, research, data and best practice on inclusive employment practices and work with relevant actors to share learnings and influence practices to ensure employment practices are inclusive. Leonard Cheshire commits to disseminating learnings to relevant networks and partners such as The ILO Global Business and Disability Network.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
By 2022, Leonard Cheshire will support over 20,000 persons with disabilities to receive skills related training to access appropriate and sustainable employment opportunities. By2020,Leonard Cheshire will share learnings from its research and programmes and use data to understand labour market participation better with relevant networks and actors.
Amending legal frameworks
Leonard Cheshire commits to support DPOs to work with national governments in the countries it works in to ensure that legislative and policy frameworks are anti-discriminatory and are disability inclusive.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
On an ongoing basisLeonard Cheshire will provide technical support, learnings, data and expertiseto DPOs to work with national governments to ensure that SDG 8 and Article 27 on the UNCRPD is implemented. Leonard Cheshire will support DPOs to use data to assess monitoring and implementation.
Skills development for decent work
Leonard Cheshire is committed to supporting partners and relevant actors with inclusive skills development to ensure that persons with disabilities can access and benefit from programmes and schemes that support decent work in line with SDG 8 and Article 27. Leonard Cheshire also commits to provide learnings and insight from its research and programmes on skills development programmes can be disability inclusive
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
By 2020, Leonard Cheshire will share to learnings and insight from its programmes and will work with DPOs and partners to support the inclusion of persons with disabilities in skills development programmes.
Inclusive social protection systems
Leonard Cheshire is committed to using research and data to support DPOs to ensure that social protection systems are disability inclusive and provide support into waged employment.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
By 2020, Leonard Cheshire will share its research, insight and learnings around how to design social protection systems and the links with employment and will support DPOs on accountability processes around SDG 10 and Article 28 of the UNCRPD.