Inclusive education sector plans
Adoption of the law of orientation of the National Education n ° 71-36 of June 3, 1971 affirms in its article 2, the right recognized to all the Senegalese to receive the instruction and the formation.
Adoption of Law No. 91-22 of 16 February 1991 on the orientation of National Education strengthens this political will by placing under the responsibility of the State the realization of the right to education.
This political will has resulted in Senegal's commitment to achieving inclusive and equitable quality education in the implementation of the Program for Improving Quality and Equity (PACKET). Since 2015, the Ministry of National Education has allocated a budget line of one hundred million (100,000,000) to inclusive and special education for the purchase of equipment and teaching materials. Also in the development of inclusive education, a sectoral national policy document on inclusive and special education is being developed for a holistic approach in the education and training sector.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Timeframe of the Program for Improving Quality, Equity and Transparency "(PAQUET) of Education and Training (EF) for the period 2013 - 2025 in coherence in the long term with the horizon with that of the Emerging Senegal Plan set at 2035.