Save the Children has been operating in Nepal since 1976. Our programs to improve the lives of children in Nepal are guided by the National Plan of Action for Children and the UN Millennium Development Goals. As the largest child-focused organization in the Nepal, we cover a wide geographical area with multiple programs that support our vision for all children to attain the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

We work with key child rights stakeholders – including children, communities, civil society organizations, media and government – to enable them to play a stronger role to realize the rights of children.  We look for sustainable solutions that will benefit children and their communities by improving education and healthcare systems, and helping communities better prepare and respond to disasters.

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Stereotypes, Attitudes, Behaviours 
Save the Children Nepal commits to sensitizing targeted working communities on eliminating discriminatory practices and promoting inclusion of persons/children with disability. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan: 
Save the Children Nepal, through its Country Strategy Plan 2019-21, will ensure disability as one of the important cross-cutting themes to change the discriminatory attitudes behaviors and practices to maximize inclusion of children/person with disabilities in its program.  

Theme: Eliminate Stigma and Discrimination
Region: Asia-Pacific
Year: 2019

Capacity building: teachers and staff
Save the Children Nepal commits to building the capacity and skills of teachers, staff, caregivers, focal teachers and head teachers on inclusive teaching-learning practices, inclusive classroom management, inclusive teaching-learning materials, disabled friendly school infrastructure and pedagogic practices in resource and community schools. SC Nepal will implement its inclusive education model, ensuring: (1) Children with disability are ready for school; (2) Schools are ready for children with disabilities; (3) community participation and support. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
With basic education, including early childhood care and development (ECCD), inclusive education will be mainstreamed through programs as guided by SC's Country Strategic Plan 2019-2021. 

Theme: Inclusive Education
Year: 2019

Inclusive Social Protection Systems
SC Nepal commits to improving and increasing access to the Government of Nepal (GoN) social protection systems by actively engaging children/person with a disability through engaging/empowering Disabled People Organizations (DPOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Save the Children Nepal's Country Strategy Plan (2019-2020) program on Children Sensitive Social Protection Program will improve and increase the children with disability benefitting from the Government of Nepal social protection program. 

Theme: Routes to Economic Empowerment
Year: 2019

Within SC, gender equality is one of our key cross-cutting themes. Targeted program interventions to address the specific needs of girl children with disabilities, changing discriminatory and unequal gender norms in home and community will be planned and implemented to improve girl children's with disability access to school and learning opportunities. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
SC's 2019-21 country strategy plan commits to address barriers for gender equality and increase participation of children with disabilities in schools and child clubs. 

Theme: Data Disaggregation
Year: 2019

SC Nepal supports children with disabilities in humanitarian contexts by supporting inclusive humanitarian action that addresses the needs of children with disabilities and supporting to improve the functional capacity of children with disabilities in humanitarian contexts. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan 
SC's Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) has included activities on meeting the specific need of children and people with disability. 

Theme: Conflict and Humanitarian Contexts
Year: 2019