All above-listed categories will be linked to UNESCO commitments within the Medium-Term Strategy (2014-2021) framework and contribute to the implementation of UNCRPD. UNESCO as a UN leading agency in education, science, culture, communication and information will develop the capacities of Member States in particular ministries of education, national governmental organizations, technical and vocational education and training organizations (TVET), open and distance learning (ODL) providers, research and academic institutions in charge of education including primary, secondary, higher and lifelong learning, and other relevant public organizations to plan, manage, design, assess and implement disability inclusive education policies and strategies in order to achieve inclusive, equitable and equality education for all learners with disabilities. A special focus will be placed on the integration and exploitation of accessible information and communication technologies for the development of learning and training resources and strengthening existing infrastructure.
The Organization will build on its expertise to help Member States and relevant educational organizations to ensure that inclusive education is mainstreamed into the sector’s analysis, planning, implementation and assessment processes. UNESCO will continue supporting the development of accessible textbooks, learning and training materials, courses, providing guidelines for open and distance learning to improve accessibility for students with disabilities using inclusive technologies. Furthermore, the Organization will promote inclusive education through its standard-setting framework (development of Recommendation on Open Educational Resources planned in 2019) by integrating open solutions and standards in education for learners with disabilities; as well as courses prepared in collaboration with other UN-system organizations, and other public and private partners.
The special emphasis will be placed in education sector analysis and planning to be done through UNESCO Programme Sectors, Field Offices network and its category 1 Institutes such as the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) and others institutions under the auspices of UNESCO.
With its mandate to support educational policy, planning and management of Ministries of Education and other actors, IIEP will use its expertise to help Member States ensure that inclusive education is mainstreamed into sector analysis and planning. IIEP will also develop and deliver training courses on planning for inclusive education.
UNESCO, in cooperation with VSOand the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 is undertaking a Research Project on the training and motivation of pre-primary teachers for implementing inclusive and equitable teaching practices.
The International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (a global Alliance, hosted by UNESCO to address the “teacher Gap”) is establishing a thematic working group on inclusion and equity. The purpose of this working group is to encourage research, knowledge sharing on this issue and to support the development of teachers’ policies and programmes that are more inclusive.
The year 2019 commemorates the 25th anniversary of the UNESCO World Conference on Special Needs Education. In June 2019, UNESCO will host an International Forum on Inclusion and Equity in Education “Every learner matters” to take stock and review progress in policy and practice since the Salamanca Conference and to identify sectors and topics where progress is most needed in order to promote inclusion.