The disability data advocacy working group is coordinated by Elizabeth Lockwood, CBM Global Disability Inclusion. For queries, please write to elizabeth.lockwood [at]
Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for OPDs
In a world that strives for inclusivity and equity, the absence of comprehensive data on persons with disabilities perpetuates inequalities and marginalization. It is vital to empower organizations and individuals to advocate for better disability data, which is the main goal of the Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs), which was prepared by CBM Global’s Inclusion Advisory Group in partnership with UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities for Sustainable Development, the International Disability Alliance, Centre for Inclusive Policy and various regional and national OPDs, including the Pacific Disability Forum.
Why is this workshop needed? The absence of sufficient data on persons with disabilities perpetuates disparities and marginalization. Data serves as the key to identifying gaps and challenges faced by individuals with disabilities while it also enables the creation and modification of policies, programs, and investments that are not only inclusive but also specifically tailored to address the needs and priorities of this vital demographic.
Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) play a pivotal role. Their contributions are twofold:
Use and Development of Data for Evidence-Based Advocacy: OPDs harness data to underpin their advocacy efforts with hard evidence. This allows them to effectively push for their priorities and needs, making their advocacy evidence-based and impactful.
Advocating for Improved Disability Data: OPDs advocate for better disability data at various levels of governance. This is vital for informing policies, directing investments, and ensuring accountability for the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities.
The Disability Data Advocacy Workshop is designed to equip participants with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the intricacies of disability data advocacy. The workshop emphasizes key messages that enable participants to understand best practices for disability data and related advocacy messages at different levels. The workshop materials are thoughtfully designed to introduce the fundamental concepts and skills needed to engage with data effectively. Participants are not required to have prior experience with data; however, recommended preparation materials are available to facilitate optimal learning and application during the workshop.
This workshop is a critical step towards ensuring that persons with disabilities are represented, their needs addressed, and their voices heard through the power of data-driven advocacy.
Find below the downloadable resources for this workshop in English and Spanish.
Section 2 - Guidance for host organizations
Section 3 - Workshop facilitator materials
Section 4 - Participant's package
Sección 2 - Orientación para las organizaciones anfitrionas
Sección 3 - Materiales para el facilitador del taller
Sección 4 - Paquete del participante
Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities presents in an international workshop on monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals
On January 13, 2022 Mr. José Viera, Advocacy Director, International Disability Alliance and Permanent Representative, Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities presented in the International Workshop on the Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals organized by the United Nations Statistics Division and the National Bureau of Statistics of China. Mr. Viera presented on “leaving no one behind and data disaggregation: Building data partnerships and capacity building for persons with disabilities.” The full presentation can be found here.
The Disability Data Advocacy Working Group
"As persons with disabilities, we are all fully aware of the need for data collection and disaggregation by disability. We recognize the momentum and achievements toward disability data collection globally. Yet, now our biggest challenges are to transfer this knowledge to persons with disabilities and their representative organizations at the local level, connect the global to the local, and shift to evidence-based advocacy and policymaking. Persons with disabilities and their representative organizations must be at the core of data collection".
Jose Viera, Representative, Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities.
We are excited to announce that the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities has established a Disability Data Advocacy Working Group to provide a global platform for information exchange, learning and dialogue, sharing of good practices, and collaboration on disability data collection, disaggregation, and analysis. The Working Group was created after an assessment of disability data at the national level in 2018. For details on the study, click here. The findings suggested that DPO engagement in data collection and disaggregation efforts is critical and missing. To address this gap, DPOs need technical support, advocacy guidance, and the opportunity for periodical information exchange and learning. Consequently the Disability Data Advocacy Working Group was established.
Membership in the Disability Data Advocacy Working Group is open to all persons with disabilities, organizations of persons with disabilities (DPOs), non-governmental and other organizations working on the rights of persons with disabilities, and non-governmental donors, researchers, and independent consultants working with persons with disabilities. Mr. Jose Maria Viera, the Permanent Representative of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, will lead the Working Group.
How can I participate?
The disability data advocacy working group is coordinated by Elizabeth Lockwood, CBM Global Disability Inclusion. For queries, please write to Elizabeth at Elizabeth.Lockwood [at]
- Interested in future webinar & activities? Click here
- Download the Terms of Reference for the Data Advocacy Working Group
- Join the Disability Data Advocacy Working Group listserv
About the Global indicator Framework
Although the 2030 Agenda references it, the global indicator framework is a separate process. The global framework was developed by statistical experts and will require approval from the UN Statistical Commission in March 2016, agreement by the Economic and Social Council, and adoption by the UN General Assembly.
Global indicators will measure the progress made in implementing the SDGs. Such data is key to decision-making and to help with the measurement of progress, making international comparisons and ensuring that no one is left behind. Data and information from existing national and international reporting mechanisms should be used where possible. In order to enable data collection, statistical capacities require strengthening. We need very robust data sets on disability to help monitor progress. It is important to measure whether people with disability are really being left behind or whether they are progressing equally with others.
Disability Data Advocacy Toolkit
This toolkit was created in response to increasing interest and requests from persons with disabilities and their representative organizations from all over the world. The aim of this toolkit is to contribute to the growing global dialogue on the importance of data on persons with disabilities, specifically to provide some basic knowledge on data collection, analysis, and use of data for evidenced based advocacy to influence policy and decision makers.
The toolkit highlights two aspects of the journey on data, starting first with the need for data to understand the real situation of persons with disabilities, to identify gaps that are not addressed through policies and / or to provide examples of successes. The second aspect the toolkit touches upon is once the data exist. It is important to understand how to analyze, use and trust data for creating advocacy messaging. The toolkit includes case studies in which OPDs have been involved in both aspects.
Disability Data Advocacy Toolkit in English
An abridged version of the Disability Data Advocacy Toolkit in International Sign
Disability Data Advocacy Toolkit in Spanish
Disability Data Advocacy Toolkit in Easy Read