Over the past 9 months The International Disability Alliance (IDA) has undertaken a series of significant reforms aimed at strengthening its leadership, financial management, governance and accountability. During this period, we’ve continued our capacity building, advocacy intitiatives and create impact around the world. In addtion to the activities, IDA has recently lanuched the "Fit for Purpose," a comprehensive initiative aimed at reforming and strengthening the organization’s governance, financial management, human resources, and overall operational efficiency. To learn more about the process and the Fit for Purpose click here.
Launch of global 'Listening Exercise' to shape future governance and strategic priorities: IDA has officially launched a comprehensive global Listening Exercise, an integral part of its ongoing effort to strengthen governance, enhance transparency and accountability, redefine strategic priorities, and solidify its legitimacy as the foremost representative organization of persons with disabilities on the global stage. This initiative marks a critical juncture in IDA’s evolution, as the organization seeks to address both internal and external concerns, ensuring its continued relevance and effectiveness in advocating for disability rights worldwide. This process is made possible thanks to the support of CBM Global and Sightsavers International, longstanding partners of IDA. Know more about the Listening Exercise here.
Adoption of comprehensive Reasonable Accommodation policy to ensure disability-inclusion in the workplace: The International Disability Alliance (IDA) is proud to announce the adoption of its new Reasonable Accommodation Policy, designed to ensure that all employees with disabilities, are provided with the necessary support to perform their roles effectively and without discrimination. This policy was officially adopted by the IDA Board during an online meeting on May 27, 2024. Read more.
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: 30th and 31st session
The CRPD Committee opens its 30th session: In preparation for the session, the International Disability Alliance (IDA) worked together with national OPDs from Azerbaijan, Costa Rica, Kazakhstan, Sweden, and Zambia, providing technical, financial, and logistical support depending on the country. In doing so, IDA coordinated with its members and other partners such as the International Commission of Jurists, who contributed to ensure a more numerous and diverse delegation of representatives of OPDs from Zambia. Know more
The CRPD Committee closed its 30th session: The CRPD Committee closed its 30th session on 22nd March, which started on March 4th and included seven States reviews and two sessions for Follow up to Inquiry reports. The Committee published its Concluding Observations on the countries under review, namely, Kazakhstan, Zambia, Bahrein, Sweden, Azerbaijan, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Know more
The CRPD Committee opens its 31st session: The CRPD Committee opened its 31st session (August 12th to September 5th). In these three weeks, the Committee will conduct the State reviews of Burkina Faso, Benin, the Netherlands, Belarus, Ghana, Belgium, Denmark, Mauritius, and Ukraine. Know more
Newsletter, 31st CRPD Committee Sesssion, Week 1
Newsletter, 31st CRPD Committee Sesssion, Week 2
Guidance material on reporting to UN Human Rights Mechanisms for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities: Co-hosted by IDA and DPOD: The International Disability Alliance, with support from Disabled People Organization Denmark (DPOD), has launched its updated guidance material, consisting of six documents, to facilitate and support organizations of persons with disabilities and allies seeking to engage with different UN Treaty Bodies and with the Human Rights Council. Read the six documents on UN mechanisms.
17th Conference of State Parties to the UN CRPD
Civil Society Forum during CoSP17: The 17th Conference of States Parties kicked off with the Civil Society Forum on Monday, June 11 at the UN Headquarters in New York. Hosted by the Civil Society Coordination Mechanism and the International Disability Alliance (IDA), this year's Forum adopted a People’s Assembly format, resembling a Town Hall meeting. It featured three sessions, each reflecting one of the key themes of the 17th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD. Read more
Get to know the candidates for the CRPD Committee 2024 elections: For each election for the CRPD Committee, as part of the TB-Net and to enhance the visibility of the process, the International Disability Alliance invited all the candidates to respond to the TB-Net / IDA questionnaire, which included relevant questions on their qualifications and interest in becoming CRPD Committee members. Read more
Outcome of the CRPD Elections at COSP17: gender balance upheld, deaf candidate welcomed, equitable geographical representation still awaited: On June 11th, in New York, at the 17th Conference of States Parties to the CRPD, States Parties elected nine members of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities whose term will run from 2025 to 2028. Read more
Human Rights Council resolution on ‘Support systems to ensure community inclusion of persons with disabilities adopted at the 55th session’: The International Disability Alliance welcomes the adoption of the Human Rights Council resolution on ‘Support systems to ensure community inclusion of persons with disabilities’ and expresses our sincere appreciation to the core-group of Mexico and New Zealand for leading the negotiation process, and to all co-sponsors of the text for endorsing the resolution. The resolution provides a comprehensive framework and set of commitments on how States should develop human rights-based support systems consistent with CRPD standards, which are essential for persons with disabilities to live with dignity, autonomy and independence, and to live independently in the community, as recognized in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Read more
International Disability Alliance's engagement at UN Geneva: Pushing forward disability rights: The International Disability Alliance (IDA), under the leadership of President Dr. Nawaf Kabbara, has marked a significant stride in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities at a series of meetings at the United Nations in Geneva. Dr. Kabbara met with Dr. Heba Hagrass, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, to delve into global issues affecting the disabled community and to advocate for the strengthened integration of disability rights into international human rights and political frameworks. The talks highlighted the need for robust support systems that are inclusive and accessible to all, and the shared commitment of IDA and the Special Rapporteur to collaborate as she embarks on her important mandate. Read more
UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture confirms mandate to monitor places where persons with disabilities are detained due to lack of community support: Earlier this month, the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture published its general comment no. 1 on article 4 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (places of deprivation of liberty). This document provides guidance to States on the scope of article 4(1) OPCAT clarifying which are the places of detention that States must allow visits to by the Subcommittee and by National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs). Read more
Human Rights Committee’s Concluding Observations Disability Relevant Extracts
Committee against Torture's Concluding Observations - Disability Relevant Extracts
Seven new Concluding Observations by the Human Rights Committee: non-discrimination based on disability, voting rights and exclusion from the death penalty: On 26th July, the Human Rights Committee closed its 141st session. Throughout this session, the Committee undertook the reviews of Croatia, Honduras, India, Maldives, Malta, Suriname and the Syrian Arab Republic, to assess their implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Know more
Summit of the Future:
International Disability Alliance views on rev3 of Pact for the Future: From January this year the International Disability Alliance (IDA) has actively engaged in the Summit of the Future process, including negotiations on the Pact for the Future, calling for meaningful inclusion of persons with disabilities through their representative organizations. We were very disappointed that the Zero draft of the Pact released in January did not have a single reference to persons with disabilities. As we reach the end of the process, we are pleased that our sustained advocacy and principled negotiating positions of member States has resulted in a draft that refers to persons with disabilities throughout the text covering a range of key issues and priorities. Read more
Glaring absence of disability in ImPACT Coalition mechanism: IDA, IDDC and Stakeholder Group raises concerns: At the UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi on May 9-10, 2024, a new multi-stakeholder mechanism for civil society engagement called ImPACT Coalition was launched. At the UNCSC, a few preliminary ImPACT Coalitions were selected to organize ‘exhibits’ and present their action plan linked to the Summit of the Future to be organized in September this year; and provide key recommendations to the Pact for the Future, which is the outcome document to be adopted by Member States at the Summit. Unfortunately, there is no ImPACT Coalition focusing on disability inclusion despite efforts made by the International Disability Alliance, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities and the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC). Read more
Youth Committe pens 10-point action plan for disability inclusive development: The International Disability Alliance Youth Committee in collaboration with Equal World campaign and supported by the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, have drawn up 10 demands of decision-makers to ensure the outcomes of the Summit of the Future meet the challenges humanity is collectively facing, particularly young people with disabilities in all their diversity. Read more
High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF 2024)
The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF 2024) took place from July 8 to July 17, 2024, at the UN Headquarters in New York. The forum focused on the theme “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions.” The discussions included an in-depth review of specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as ending poverty (SDG 1), achieving food security (SDG 2), taking urgent action on climate change (SDG 13), promoting peaceful societies (SDG 16), and revitalizing global partnerships (SDG 17)
During the forum, 38 countries presented their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs), sharing progress, challenges, and lessons learned in implementing the 2030 Agenda. Countries such as Mexico and Peru presented their fourth and third reviews, respectively, highlighting both achievements and ongoing obstacles in their sustainable development efforts.
Elizabeth Campos, representative of the Comisión de Damas Invidentes del Perú (CODIP) and former IDA at fellow and Bridge alumni, presented the statement on behalf of the civil society of Peru to reply the Peru VNR. Elizabeth read the statement in braille and UN DESA provided extra 30 seconds as reasonable accommodation requested in advance by IDA, ensuring she delivered her statement effectively—a crucial step highlighting accessibility in disability inclusion. She was congratulated by the government of Spain and other stakeholders for her intervention.
After a rigorous selection process she participated as one of the 10 speakers from civil society in the General debate at HLPF 2024 called “from the SDGs summit to the summit of the future”. She was provided with extra time as reasonable accommodation and in her intervention she highlighted it is crucial that the promise made in the 2023 Declaration of the High-Level Political Forum, where Member States committed to "ensure that persons with disabilities actively participate in and benefit equally from sustainable development efforts" must be reaffirmed in the pact for the future.
Rosario Galarza, Intersectionalities and Cross-Movement Collaboration Senior Officer, IDA joined the panel, Keeping the SDG Promise: Pathways for Acceleration, organized by the Chair of the UN Sustainable Development Group, in partnership with the Permanent Mission of Spain.
Rosario was invited to participate as one of the panelists in the event: “Launch of the 2nd Global Report on Peaceful, Just and Strong Institutions (SDG 16)”, co-hosted by Romania, UNDP, UNODC and OHCHR with contributions from: IPU, UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO, UNCTAD, World Bank, which was held in UNICEF headquarters. During her intervention about how to improve data collection regarding disability to implement the SDG 16, she highlighted the fact that improving data on disability inclusion in SDG 16 requires a multi-faceted approach, which must take into account expanding disability disaggregation in all the indicators and including OPDs in data collection through citizen data initiatives.
Accessibility measures taken by UN DESA at HLPF 2024: UN DESA implemented accessibility measures to ensure access to Braille materials for official UN documents, including the HLPF agenda, prepared an Easy-to-Read version of the agenda, and provided reasonable accommodations for selected speakers' interventions.
African Disability Conference 2024
From September 2-5, 2024, the African Disability Forum (ADF) in collaboration with the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and Sightsavers International is hosting a first-of-its-kind regional conference titled “Persons with Disabilities in a Post-Pandemic World: Redefining the Inclusive Development & Humanitarian Agenda in Africa” in Nairobi, Kenya. This Summit marks a significant milestone in the collective efforts to ensure disability inclusion across the continent.
During the opening session, IDA Board member and Co-Chair of World Network of Users & Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP), Dr Daniel Mwesigwa Iga, called OPDs to strategically align, organise use tools African Disability Protocol, Pact for the Future and seize opportunities including the summit of the future, GDS 2025 & drive the call for inclusive development. "As we gather here today in an OPD-led space, we remember the organizing and convening power of OPDs, which we must leverage to ensure our issues are heard and prioritized,” he added.
This conference will serve as a unique platform for over 150 participants from diverse sectors, including governments, UN agencies, international organizations, the private sector, and civil society organizations. Read more
Disability Inclusive Development – Inclusive Futures
IDA is a member of the DID Consortium, led by Sightsavers, now into its 5th year. IDA has supported the capacity building of OPDs under this FCDO funded programme, through the Bridge CRPD-SDGs in DID focus countries and through the Training of Trainers programme. IDA has also supported the strategy and direction of the programme, including through working with DID consortium partners on their Task Orders.
The DID programme will support the IDA Training of Trainers Module B, happening in the second semester of 2024. The DID programme has also supported the African Disability Conference held in September 2024.
In this period, IDA has been working closely with the DID partnership in developing the knowledge products to capture the learnings and impact of the DID programme particularly related to publications on education, safeguarding and negative stereotyping and awareness raising.
Bridge CRPD-SDGs Trainings:
Bridge CRPD-SDGs Jordan: The Arab Organization of Persons with Disabilities (AOPD), International Disability Alliance (IDA), CBM International and its partner the Al Hussein Society, and the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) hosted the Bridge CRPD-SDGs cycle in Jordan between 23 - 29 July 2024. Read more
Call for Applications: Bridge CRPD-SDGs Pacific Region Module 1: The Pacific Disability Forum, the International Disability Alliance (IDA), and the International Disability and Development Consortium invite people with disabilities from the Pacific region to join the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training. This training is for people who qualify and live in the Pacific region. The countries include Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa, Cook Islands, Tuvalu, Niue, Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Palau, Nauru. The training will take place between 12-18 September 2024 in Fiji. Read more.
Impact Stories:
Leading Change in Latin America and globally: Rosario Galarza's impactful journey in the disability movement: In a recent conversation, Rosario Galarza, Senior Officer Intersectionalities and Cross-Movement Collaboration at the International Disability Alliance (IDA), shared her remarkable journey in the disability movement across national, regional and international levels. In July 2024, Rosario participated in UN's High-level Political Forum (HLPF)on Sustainable Development 2024, where she spoke at a panel discussion on "Keeping the SDGs Promise: Pathways for Acceleration." Read more.
We spoke to AT User Fellows 2024, Nayem Molla from Bangladesh and Yusra Gilani from Pakistan. You can watch the full interview #AssistiveTech Talks here.

“Recognize the leadership of young people with disabilities,” Anielka Palma, IDA-RIADIS representative: Anielka Palma, a young woman with visual impairment from Nicaragua, represented the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and the Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons With Disabilities and their Families (RIADIS) at the recently concluded Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, hosted by the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Read more
Global Disability Summit
GDS Commitments: GDS commitments are the major instrument to translate legal obligations and political will into concrete action. The enhanced focus on commitments will ensure that stakeholders are held accountable and that progress towards disability inclusion is measurable and impactful. By fostering a culture of accountability and continuous improvement, GDS 2025 strives to create lasting change and improve the lives of persons with disabilities worldwide. Click here to go to the commitments portal.
GDS2025 Co-Hosts Launch Commitment Platform at CoSP17: At the 17th session of the Conference of States Parties (CoSP17) to the UN CRPD, the Global Disability Summit (GDS) 2025 co-hosts—Germany, Jordan, and the International Disability Alliance (IDA)—held a side event to advance global efforts for disability equality. The event, on June 11 at the UN Headquarters in New York, focused on the upcoming GDS2025, scheduled for April 2-3, 2025, in Berlin. The side event included contributions from USAID, the European Commission, and the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC). For those unable to attend, the event was broadcast live on UN TV. Watch it here.
Report on GDS Preparation: Process Overview of 2022-2023 GDS Civil Society Consultations: A total of 20 GDS consultations were conducted during the period between March 2022 and March 2024. Thirteen themes emerged across the 20 consultations conducted during the period between March 2022 and 2024. Integrated with IDA’s capacity building undertakings, the GDS consultation process followed the participatory approach of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs trainings. The GDS consultation was led by a team of facilitators, utilizing inclusive facilitation methodologies and an interactive format. Read more
African Regional Summit 2024: Regional Summits are integral to embedding the GDS mechanism at a regional level, engaging organizations like the Arab League, African Union, and EU. These summits are aimed at tailoring GDS themes to the specific realities of each region, fostering relevant commitments and promoting collaboration. They also provide crucial regional perspectives that influence the broader GDS agenda and the Civil Society Forum. The first Regional Pre Summit will be held on 6th September 2024 alongside the 4-day African Disability Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
Global Action on Disability (GLAD) Network
Read about the list of GLAD members side-events at CoSP17 here.
Recent statements and papers by IDA and its partners
IDA calls CMWF and CERD Committees to include disability perspective in guidance to address and eradicate xenophobia: On 14th June, the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (CMWF Committee) closed its 38th session, during which it held constructive dialogues with the States of Congo, Senegal, and Türkiye. Read more
Respect, protect, and fulfill the right to bodily autonomy! Ending forced sterilization of women and girls with disabilities: This paper compiles expert and internationally agreed language on forced sterilization, highlighting that eliminating forced sterilization is a human rights obligation, a moral imperative, and a shared global political commitment. Read the full document in Word and PDF.
Towards ending forced sterilization: A landmark judgement for disability rights in Japan: On July 3rd 2024, the Supreme Court of Japan declared that forced sterilization under the defunct Eugenics Protection Act was unconstitutional and a violation of human rights. This decision comes after different victims of forced sterilization filed a series of petitions. The court further ordered the government to compensate victims of forced sterilization, including persons with disabilities. Read more
Call for Inputs. Reaching the furthest left behind: New thematic report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, Ms. Heba Hagrass, on the “Participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities in review and follow-up processes on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Access the report in all UN official languages and easy-to-read version here.
The Disability Reference Group on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action (DRG)
DRG with IDA as its co-chair and hosting its secretariat, continues to work on strengthening inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action ensuring no one is left behind in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies.
Participation during Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW): During the HNPW, DRG participated in the virtual side-event “Coordination of disability inclusion in humanitarian action: accelerating learning and action for more effective humanitarian aid delivery”. Over 90 participants dicussed how disability inclusion is coordinated in humanitarian action, including good practices, gaps and opportunities to strengthen coordination on disability inclusion at local and global levels.
DRG co-chairs participated in person at the HNPW conference to promote the disability inclusion agenda within the conference. DRG co-chairs also participated at the COSP17 to promote the inclusive humanitarian action agenda within the conference.
New project with IDA, UNICEF and HI: A new DRG project has been approved by BHA-USAID which will be implemented by IDA, UNICEF and HI. The project aims to enhance the capacity of the humanitarian system to provide disability-inclusive humanitarian action, through three interconnected components. Firstly, it seeks to enhance disability-inclusive localization by promoting capacity sharing between local/national organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) and humanitarian actors. Secondly, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of coordination mechanisms for disability inclusion at the country level. Lastly, it aims to enhance disability inclusion in global mechanisms providing technical support to countries.
Launch of the new DRG website: DRG has launched a new website, providing comprehensive information about its workstreams, ways of working, and available resources. Stay updated on ongoing activities through DRG’s monthly calls and newsletters, designed to enhance information sharing and collaboration among over 470 DRG members.
Assistive Technology
The importance of meaningful consultation in AT policymaking: This article focuses on the relevance of meaningful consultation with and participation of AT users, including organizations of persons with disabilities, to AT policy making and implementation processes. Read more
Empowering organizations of persons with disabilities in Rwanda through capacity building on assistive technology: National Union of Disability Organizations in Rwanda (NUDOR), African Disability Forum and International Disability Alliance (IDA), in collaboration with ATScale, hosted a workshop titled “In-depth Workshop on Assistive Technology for Rwandan OPDs” from 16-18 October 2023 in Kigali, Rwanda that showcased the transformative power of assistive technology for persons with disabilities and provided tools for advocacy to realize its full potential. The workshop was delivered under the project “Boosting AT User Engagement and Knowledge, Globally and Locally” being co-delivered by IDA and ATScale. Read more
Navigating the AT Ecosystem as Users: Findings from IDA’s Assistive Technology Survey in 7 languages: This report is the collective work of the International Disability Alliance and Global Disability Innovation Hub GDI Hub. It has been produced under the project “Positioning OPDs as Equal Partners on AT” to provide technical support, disseminate research, and advocate for access of persons with disabilities to assistive technology in respective regions. The report is available in English, Arabic, Bengali, Spanish, Urdu, French. The executive summary of the survey report is available in International Sign here. Read more
Building AT Movement in Bangladesh: In-depth workshop on assistive technology: International Disability Alliance (IDA), in collaboration with ATscale, Global Disability Innovation Hub, Sightsavers International and UK Aid’s Inclusive Futures programme hosted an in-depth workshop on assistive technology in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The workshop aimed to strengthen capacities of OPDs in assistive technology and to highlight the importance of persons with disabilities participating in design, delivery systems, programs and policies related to assistive technology. This is one of 3 national level workshops being implemented under the project “Boosting AT User Engagement and Knowledge, Globally and Locally” co-delivered by ATscale and IDA. Read more
Assistive Technology Microgrant Awardees: Under the project "Boosting AT User Engagement and Knowledge, Globally and Locally," IDA and ATscale awarded four local and national organizations to implement projects that support advocacy or capacity building related to AT. The project activities involve carrying out in-depth situational analysis of local contexts, awareness-raising efforts, knowledge assessments, and local campaigning to promote AT policies. The small-scale projects have positively and directly affected AT users and the AT agenda within a particular national context. From April to July 2024, four distinct initiatives were implemented in Peru, Lesotho, Nepal, and Kenya by CODIP, LANFOD, NFDN, and UDPK respectively. Read more
IDA-Sightsavers International Helpdesk
The IDA-SSI helpdesk, which focuses on inclusive technical and substantive assistance, trainings and presentations in technical thematic areas, and OPD mobilization, has prompted increased OPD consultation and participatory knowledge production by processing 15 requests in the last 4 months.
The scope of these requests has ranged from specific geographical regions in the global south, such as connecting UN agencies to OPDs in Libya, connections to the national OPD movement for an ILO research project on inclusive employment in the Philippines, to projects with global scope, such as facilitating consultations with OPD leaders across the globe with the support of IDA members EDF, ADF, Bangladesh, PDF and AOPD in the meaningful engagement of OPDs in humanitarian responses.
The Helpdesk’s inclusive technical assistance has covered areas ranging from insights into the impact of psychiatric medications on the reproductive rights of women with psychosocial disabilities for the Indonesian Mental Health Association (IMHA/ PJS), to constituting a panel to review OHCHR’s report on Assistive and Digital Technologies.
The IDA-SSI helpdesk has also enabled technical assistance and offered substantive guidance on specific thematic areas, including with private agencies, such as the Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation Board (SPIAC-B) Gender working group. Towards this particular request, IDA Secretariat staff member Alradi Abdalla identified existing trainings, resources, and toolkits intended to build capacity on gender/disability and social protection, and then developing an outline for a new training on the topic.
Alongside connections to the disability movement, the IDA-SSI Helpdesk also facilitated cross-sectoral collaboration, such as for a request from Amnesty International to support research on the disproportionate impact of heatwaves and flooding and poor air quality on older people and people with disabilities in Pakistan. Towards this, researchers from Amnesty International were connected with Pakistani National OPD STEP (Special Talent Exchange Program), Yusra Gilani, former IDA-GDI Hub Assistive Technology Fellow from Pakistan, HelpAge Bangladesh, and alumni of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Article 11 trainings.
The IDA-SSI Helpdesk has also facilitated 8 AT-related requests for ATscale as part of a thematic-focused Helpdesk operation that procures, manages, and coordinates high-quality responses from a group of AT user technical Advisors. These requests have ranged from advisors consulting on ATscale’s campaign materials for various campaigns including World AT Day, commemorated from 2024 on June 4th, to technical and inclusion advice on evaluation of expressions of interest for ATscale’s national level programs.
International Days/Months:
Disability Pride Month: In Conversation with ACE Fellow Janine Cruzet: As we mark Disability Pride this month, we spoke with Janine Cruzet, of the Philippines, a former Advisory Capacity Development and Exchange (ACE) Fellow and current advocate with Women with Disabilities Taking Actions on our Reproductive Health and Human Rights. As a disability advocate, Janine shared her perspective on how Disability Pride Month is more than a time for celebration—it’s a chance to reflect on our achievements, advocate for ongoing change, and pave the way for future advancements in disability rights and inclusion. Know more
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2024: The International Disability Alliance celebrates the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. This year, we look forward to the annual thematic report of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which will be focused on the rights of indigenous persons with disabilities. Know more
Women’s Day with Yusra Gilani, an Assistive Technology (AT) Fellow: For women with disabilities in the global South, International Women's Day presents a predicament. While it is a day to celebrate accomplishments, it also shines a light on the many difficulties, and constant challenges faced by us on a daily basis. As a woman with a disability living in Pakistan, this day holds significant importance to me. It also gives me a platform to draw attention to the fact that a celebration of this day must go together with a commitment to intersectionality. Know more