Title: Centering African Feminism in Economic and Climate Justice Narrative in Africa
When: Monday, 14 March at 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Sponsor(s): African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET)
Description: Climate justice movement is gaining pace in Africa, the continent least responsible and most impacted by the climate crisis. However, economic and climate justice debates, policy processes and programs exclude African women, girls, persons with disability, non-binary persons, and other marginalized groups. FEMNET, Womankind Kenya, MULEIDE, RECODE, EVA, and UWECA will jointly host this timely parallel event to center African feminism in economic and climate justice narrative by sharing practical examples of the work they have been doing in Kenya, Mozambique, Senegal, Nigeria and Ethiopia. FEMNET and partners will also benefit from a wealth of knowledge from session audience. International Sign and Live Captioning.
Title: EUnderstanding the gendered risks: Women as the central piece to the climate adaptation puzzle
When: Tuesday,15 Mar 2022 at 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
Sponsors: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Strengthening the climate resilience of rural women is a vital part of IFAD’s work. This event aspires to emphasize that rural women and people of diverse genders do not simply suffer from the climate impact as a vulnerable group, but that structural gender inequality puts them at higher risk. Additionally, indigenous women or women with a disability are disproportionally affected. Hence, it is time to ensure inclusion in climate action negotiate for inclusion in climate action. CSW66 is a prime opportunity to highlight equitable and climate resilient food systems and agriculture, and urge donors to increase support to women's economic and social empowerment. With this event, IFAD will put the focus on gender transformative approaches that demonstrate highlight the gender transformative approach that demonstrates effective results in building resilience through contextualized adaptive measures to climate unpredictability, and transforming individuals and community actors, who are primarily women, as agents of change. French and Spanish interpretation andInternational Sign Language. Concept Note
Title: Women with disabilities engage: successful practices for economic empowerment
When: Wednesday, 16 March, 2022 at 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM EDT
Sponsor(s): Humanity & Inclusion
Description: Women with disabilities living in regions where opportunities for work are scarce have to develop alternative solutions to reach economic autonomy. Whether for micro-business or cooperatives, capital available for women with disabilities is very limited ; barriers to sustainable businesses are numerous. Opportunities to develop economic literacy are rarely accessible. Still organizations of women with disabilities and feminist organizations have been successfully engaging in promoting entrepreneurship for the most disadvantaged women. Our event will bring together women-led organizations from Burundi, Kenya, and Senegal; they will discuss practical solutions for sustainable businesses for less advantaged women in both formal and informal settlements. Key findings of a study on the economic exclusion of women using a disability+ intersectional lens will be shared. The experience of an agricultural cooperative of women with disabilities in Burundi will allow to demonstrate how economic autonomy positively impacts all aspects of their life. French interpretation and International Sign Language and Live Captioning.
Title: Climate change advocacy at the intersection of gender and disability
When: Wednesday, March 16 at 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM EDT
Sponsor(s): Women Enabled International and Disability Rights Fund
Description: This event will highlight the impact of climate change and natural disasters on the rights of women and girls with disabilities in the Pacific region, one of the regions most impacted by climate change. During the event, speakers from organizations of persons with disabilities in the region will discuss how these risks compound the effects of gender and disability discrimination leading to higher risk of violence, personal autonomy restrictions, and heightened barriers to accessing SRH services, among other human rights abuses. Speakers will also discuss opportunities and challenges they face in advocating for disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction policies and programmes. No International Sign or CART information available.
Title: Intersectionality in practice, women’s empowerment projects: a How-To Guide
When: Thursday, March 17 at 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM EDT
Sponsor(s): Humanity & Inclusion
Description: Identities are diverse, and discriminations are multiple and intersectional, academics and policy-makers have been progressively bringing intersectional approaches to the agenda – giving space for the experiences of those facing discrimination based on age, (dis)ability, ethnicity, gender identities among other factors. Still, the effective use of intersectionality in projects implemented by women-led civil society organizations has shown to be challenging, due to the lack of practical guidance. Therefore, projects targeting women with disabilities lack efficiency by considering them as a homogeneous group, overlooking their diversities. And efforts to improve economic empowerment of women overlook disability as a key discrimination factor. Our event will present the How-to guide: Intersectionality in practice, co-developed by MIW and partner organizations. IFA Nigeria and COVAW Kenya shall illustrate how the guide helped them analyze the realities of women with and without disabilities in their diversities and inform programming in economic empowerment using an intersectional lens. French interpretation and Live Captioning.
Title: Our Collective Voices: An Intersectional Feminist Approach to Environmental Justice
When: Tuesday, 22 March at 2:00 PM to 3:00PM EDT
Sponsor(s): Bell Global Justice Institute
Description: Our Parallel Event will feature speakers from multiple sectors, including business, agriculture, and environmental policy; and will offer best practices on how to center intersectionality, gender equity, and women & girls’ empowerment in environmental justice and sustainability. Women and girls of marginalized communities, (BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled, chronically ill, older persons) are often left behind standing at the line of environmental injustices and human rights violations. Our speakers are from these communities, and they are also in rooms where laws and policies are discussed and decided; thus, able to provide participants effective and innovative ways of advocacy for environmental justice and sustainability. No International Sign or CART information available.
Title: Key Intersections: Gender, Disability and Climate Change
When: Wednesday, 23 March, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EDT
Sponsor(s): Canada, Finland, Disability Rights Fund, International Disability Alliance
Description: Climate change adversely affects the lives, well-being, and livelihoods of the world’s poorest, among them a disproportionate number of persons with disabilities, especially women and girls who face multiple forms of discrimination due to the intersectional challenges of ableism and sexism. This event will examine the impact of climate change on women and girls with disabilities; their engagement in climate change-aligned work; and learnings about steps being taken by different stakeholders such as the UN, donor agencies, OPDs and NGOs working at the intersection of climate change, disaster risk reduction, disability and gender. International Sign and Live Captioning.