May 21, 2012 - 9:00am

The UPR Working Group 13th session took place from 21 May to 4 June 2012 in Geneva. This session has marked the beginning of the second cycle of the UPR.

During the session, 74 recommendations and one voluntary pledge were made on the rights of persons with disabilities. Of the recommendations, 27 were accepted right away, and 47 are pending for adoption in the 21st session of the Human Rights Council. Some good recommendations made during the session include those on political participation of persons with disabilities.

Analysis of the references to persons with disabilities in the reports adopted by the UPR Working Group during this session.

References to persons with disabilities in the reports taken into account by the UPR Working Group in this session.

Parallel reports focussing on the rights of persons with disabilities*:


JS1 - Platform of Algerian NGOs for the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (DPO coalition report)


JS11  (DPO coalition report)


Finnish Disability Forum (DPO coalition report)


National Disability Network (DPO coalition report)


-   Moroccan Collective for the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (DPO coalition report)
-   Report by a national association of associations of parents of persons with autism


JS3 - NGO Foundation Perspectief and Inclusion Netherlands (NGO/DPO report)


JS5: Philippines Coalition on the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (DPO coalition report)


Tunisian Collective for the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (DPO coalition report)


-   JS9: Disability Rights Watch UK (DPO coalition report)
-   JS13: British Institute for Human Rights and others (DPO input given to a broader NGO coalition)
-   Mencap (NGO re: persons with intellectual disability)

UK - Scotland

-   Scottish Campaign for a Fair Society (DPO coalition report)
-   Scottish Association for Mental Health (NGO re: persons with psychosocial disability)
-   Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability (NGO re: persons with intellectual disability)

UK - Northern Ireland

JS14: Human Rights Consortium to the UPR (DPO participation in a broader NGO coalition of Northern Ireland)

* The views expressed in the above reports are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IDA or of its members.

Some IDA suggestions for recommendations:

Based on feedback received from reliable country sources, IDA suggested recommendations to the following countries: Bahrain, Ecuador, Indonesia and South Africa.

IDA suggestions for recommendations for Bahrain, Ecuador, Indonesia and South Africa.


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