The 44th session of the CESCR Committee took place from 3 to 21 May 2010 in Geneva.
More information on this session.
References to persons with disabilities to be found in the State report, List of issues, Written replies and Concluding Observations of these Countries.
IDA prepared a document with suggested recommendations for Concluding Observations which were adopted by the Committee to the Countries under review in this session. This document was uploaded on the CESCR Committee website. Some of these recommendations have influenced the Concluding Observations of the reviewed States such as Mauritius to which The Committee recommended strengthen efforts to eliminate situations that may be discriminatory against children with disabilities and take steps to ensure that all children with disabilities can study in mainstream schools.
Pre-Sessional Working Group
The Pre-sessional Working Group reviewed from 25 to 28 May 2010 reports from Sri Lanka, Yemen, Russian Federation, Turkey and Republic of Moldava.
More information on this Pre-Session Working Group.
References to persons with disabilities in the reports submitted by these Countries. IDA also prepared a document with suggested questions for the Lists of issues which were made by the Pre-sessional Working Group during this session and were uploaded on the CESCR Committee website.