The 98th session of the Human Rights Committee took place from 8 to 26 March 2010.
More information on this session
References to Persons with disabilities in State reports, List of issues, Written replies and Concluding Observations of Countries reviewed during this session.
IDA addressed the Human Rights Committee on the first day of its 98th session. IDA statement.
IDA prepared a document with suggested recommendations for the Concluding Observations. Some of these recommendations have influenced the Concluding Observations of reviewed States such Argentina, to which the Committee recommended increased attention to the users of mental health services, particularly as regards the rights to be heard and to enjoy legal aid in decisions regarding their institutionalization, as well as to adapt the national legislation and practice to the international standards concerning the rights of persons with disabilities. IDA recommendations for Concluding Observations (uploaded on the Human Rights Committee website).
Task Forces
During this session The Human Rights Committee Task Forces considered the following states reports, which will be revised in next sessions: Jordan, Hungary, Serbia, Poland and Belgium.
Disability analysis of reports submitted by these States and IDA suggested questions for the list of issues (uploaded on the Human Rights Committee website).