The first module of the BRIDGE CRPD-SDG Eastern-Western Africa training cycle successfully took place in Accra, Ghana from 14-20 November 2016. It was organised by the International Disability Alliance, the African Disability Forum, and the International Disability and Development Consortium with the support of CBM, Sightsavers, DPOD, Australian DFAT, Finland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations.
For seven days the module brought together an inclusive group of 31 participants from 10 different countries and from across disability constituencies, including persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with deafblindness. The focus of the first module as to build a common, comprehensive and inclusive understanding of the CRPD in development contexts, and links with the SDGs.
Module 2 will be take place in Kenya in May 2017 and will focus on CRPD compliant advocacy for inclusive SDG implementation.
This training is part of the broader BRIDGE CRPD-SDG training initiative led by IDA and IDDC.