The second module of the BRIDGE CRPD-SDG for English-speaking countries from Eastern-Western Africa is taking place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 5-11 May 2017. BRIDGE Africa is organised by the African Disability Forum, International Disability Alliance, and International Disability and Development Consortium with the support from Australian DFAT, UK DFID, CBM, Disabled Peoples Organisation Denmark, Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Handicap International, Light for the World, Open Society Forum, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Sight Savers and UNFPA.
This second module comprises seven days of intensive discussions around the CRPD, SDGs, inclusive disability movement and inclusive development, with particular attention to inclusive programme design, data, legal harmonization and budget.
It brings together a diverse group of 31 DPO activists that successfully completed the first Module. The participants come from 10 countries namely, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Ghana and Gambia. The participants represent different disability constituencies, including persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with deafblindness, indigenous peoples with disabilities and youth with disabilities.
The training is lead by Kathy Al Ju'beh (CBM), as lead trainer, and Tchaurea Fleury (IDA/BRIDGE Coordinator), as co-trainer, with support from Berhanu Tefera (African Disability Forum) and Imed Oertani (IDA/Handicap International BRIDGE Fellow).
In addition, the resource facilitation team reflects the diversity of IDA / IDDC partnership being co-facilitated by Michael Njenga (World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatric), Fatma Wangare (Inclusion International), Gertrude Fefoame (Sightsavers), Signe Hojsteen (Disabled Peoples Organisation Denmark), Yeti Nigussie (Light for the World), Ulrike Last (Handicap International), with the support from Nathan Rowe (Down Syndrome International) and Edwin Osundwa (Sense International).
This training is part of the broader BRIDGE CRPD-SDG training initiative led by IDA and IDDC.
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