Bridge CRPD-SDGs First Module Uganda
From 12 to 18 April 2018, Uganda is playing host to the first Module of Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative. This is organised by the African Disability Forum (ADF) and the National Union of Disabled Persons Uganda (NUDIPU), with the support of the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) and financed by UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Big Lottery Fund (BLF).
Advocacy on the Margins: Women with Disabilities Addressing Violence at the Grassroots Level
Humanity and Inclusion/Making It Work Gender and Disability Project, the International Disability Alliance and the Disability Rights Fund invite you to "Advocacy on the margins: Women with disabilities addressing violence at the grassroots level"
Upcoming HLPF 2018 Webinars
HLPF Preparation
Seminario en línea de Intercambio de Información sobre el Foro Político de Alto Nivel sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible -
Workshop on Education Flagship Project
From 12 to 14 March 2018, IDA members and partners are gathering in London, hosted by Inclusion International, for the initial technical workshop of IDA's Education Flagship project.
Towards the Full Realization of the Rights of the Women and Girls with Disabilities
Towards the Full Realization of the Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities. The event was co-organised by the Government of Spain, the International Disability Alliance, the Permanent Mission of New Zealand and UNFPA.
Side Event: Synergies among Universal Human Rights System in the Framework of Agenda 2030
MANDATE OF THE SPECIAL ENVOY OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL ON DISABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY: Synergies among Universal Human Rights System in the framework of Agenda 2030