- November 30, 2018

The IDA Global Survey is now closed. Thanks for your participation. We are currently analysing the data to produce an initial report (first semester 2019) and a comprehensive baseline report. Please continue monitoring this page for updates

Historically, persons with disabilities and their representative organisations have been kept away from decision-making mechanisms. They are rarely consulted in planning and monitoring decisions that affect their lives. 

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) under Article 4.3 mandates States to “closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organisations”, and to do so “in the development and implementation of legislation and policies to implement the Convention, and in other decision-making processes concerning issues relating to persons with disabilities”. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development also calls for ‘leaving no one behind’.

Given this background, the International Disability Alliance has launched the IDA Global Survey to Monitor DPO Participation in Development Policies and Programmes.

The IDA Global Survey is the first ever global monitoring toolto track the participation of all persons with disabilities and their organizations in development programmes and policies across all development/human rights issues through all stages of development of policies and programmes (from design to evaluation).

The IDA Global Survey will provide information to build the first DPO Participation Index, aimed as a tool for advocacy towards greater and more meaningful inclusion of persons with disabilities in development policies and programmes.

The IDA Global Survey is available in English plain language, which has been translated into Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish, and in International Sign.

The IDA Global Survey is only for representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) and only one response per organisation is allowed.

We want hear from YOU, please help us be sharing your experiences and disseminating the survey in your networks.

For more information, please contact Dorodi Sharma at the IDA Secretariat at globalsurvey [at]

Deadline extended to 5 Jan 2019!