- February 28, 2018

February 2018 

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General information

The 2018 High-level Political Forum (HLPF) will be held from Monday, 9 July, to Wednesday, 18 July 2018 in New York. The theme is "Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies." The set of Goals to be reviewed in depth will be: Goals 6, 7, 11, 12, 15 and 17.

47 countries reporting on their progress achieved on implementing the SDGs, find list of countries, including government focal points here.

Parallel events to be organized during HLPF:

  • July 11th - Higher education institutions and universities, more information here.
  • July 13th - Partnership exchange, more information here.
  • July 16th - Local/regional authorities’ forum (forthcoming)
  • July 17th - Business forum (forthcoming)

In this edition:

I.Global processes

  1. Official Submission of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities 
  2. Webinar on Voluntary National Reviews
  3. Guidelines on VNR for Member States
  4. Priority list of indicators to be disaggregated by disability
  5. UN Women report on gender equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  6. Adoption of the OECD DAC policy marker
  7. Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development report
  8. Financing for Development Forum
  9. SDG Investment Fair
  10. Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities report

II.Regional section
III. Upcoming  Events

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1. [ACTION!] Official Submission of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities entitled: “Sustainable and resilient societies and the inclusion and leadership of persons with disabilities.”

We would like to invite you to make comments, general observations and specific recommendations. Detailed instructions are included in the draft document.

Find here.  

2. [INFORMATION] Webinar on Voluntary National Reviews (VNR)

On the 22nd of February we have conducted a webinar on Voluntary National Reviews. The webinar provided information on process and concrete examples from Ireland, Switzerland and Senegal.

Please be advised that the recording is now available with International Sign interpretation here.

3. [INFORMATION] Guidelines on VNRs  for Member States

The UN Secretary General released updated voluntary common reporting guidelines for Member States on how to conduct voluntary national reviews at the High-level Political Forum.

Click here to read it!

4. [ENDORSE!] Priority list of indicators to be disaggregated by disability

The priority list of indicators that should be disaggregated by disability is still open for endorsement!

More information about the list of indicators and the statement can be found here.

5. [INFORMATION] UN Women report on gender equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

UN Women just released a report “Turning Promises into Action: Gender Equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” The document contains more than 20 references to persons with disabilities, including a stand-alone chapter on women with disabilities (p. 178-80). Some highlights are: the Washington Group is referenced multiple times (p. 178-180), the CRPD (p. 216), women with disabilities are included in a paragraph on gender-responsive budgeting (p. 252), and persons with disabilities are included in a case study on women in local government (p. 97).

Link to the report:

6. Adoption of the OECD DAC policy marker

IDA and IDDC advocates the adoption of the OECD DAC policy marker to ‘track development finance in support of persons with disabilities.’ The document strongly supports the marker’s development and calls for it to be approved this year. It also makes a number of comments on how the marker could be improved to ensure it is more in line with the CRPD and its principles.

Click here to read the document.

7. Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development report

The Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development released an advanced unedited report and preliminary findings.

Click here to view the report.

8. [INFORMATION] Financing for Development Forum

The Financing for Development Forum will take place 23-26 April at the United Nations Headquarters. The co-chairs have been appointed and are from Jamaica and Portugal.

Click here for the tentative program.

9. SDG Investment Fair

New this year is the SDG Investment Fair, which will take place on 22 April in New York. The SDGI Fair will provide a platform for direct interaction between 100-150 participants representing governments of developing countries, private sector investors, financial intermediaries and other relevant stakeholders.

For general information click here for updates on the Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development (IATF) and the Financing for Development Forum.

10. [INFORMATION] Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities report

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) published the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities report “Case Study on the Engagement of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (DPOs) in Voluntary National Reviews.”

Click here for details.


Regional Engagement

For more information on what is taking place at the Regional UN Headquarters, click on the following links:


  •  [ACTION!] Le 23 Mars, Dakar, Sénégal West Africa consultation between stakeholders and governments!!! DESA / Division de Développement Durable organise un atelier sous-régional d'une journée afin de renforcer les capacités des parties prenantes pour informer les acteurs concernés sur l'avancement des processus nationaux de suivi et d'examen. Si vous souhaitez faire connaître votre intérêt dans cet atelier, veuillez complétez le formulaire avant le 5 Mars. Veuillez noter que les places sont limitées. Formulaire: Veuillez aussi noter qu'il n'y a pas de financement disponible pour les participants enregistrés par ce formulaire. Note conceptuelle: Les pays pertinents pour l’atelier sont : Bénin, Cape Vert, Guinée, Mali, Niger, République du Congo, Sénégal et Togo.
  • 6‐9 March in New York, 49th Session of the UN Statistical Commission, more information can be found here:
  • 9-12 April in Vienna, Austria, 7th Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs, more information can be found here:
  •  [NEW! Save the Date!] HLPF PREPARATORY CALL!!! March 21 from 10:00 to 11:00 EST.  The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities will hold the first preparation call for the upcoming High Level Political Forum.  The call will provide information and opportunity to ask questions! The webinar will be accessible with captioning and sign language interpretation. Click here to register.


Contact information: 

 If you have information to share or would like to get in touch with us, please use the email hlpf2018 [at]




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