Join the side event organized by the UN Stakeholders Group of Persons with Disabilities in Sustainable Development to learn how governments and persons with disabilities from the ground answer this question!
- Date: Wednesday July 8, 2020
- Time: 12:00pm-13:30pm EST (New York)
- To register: Click here to reserve your seat today.
- Accessibility: International Sign and live Captioning will be provided.
- For questions: Government representatives interested to provide interventions may contact hlpf2020 [at] *This address is no longer functional. Please direct inquiries to ehardin [at]
Background: In the framework of the 2020 High-level Political Forum, the event will provide a platform for governments championing disability-inclusive sustainable development. Governments will be able to share the measures that they have and will carry out to ensure that the “leave no one behind” and “reach the furthest behind first” will still be achievable despite all the challenges caused by the pandemic. The event will also feature diverse testimonies from persons with disabilities, in particular underrepresented groups, sharing their experiences and requests with world leaders in order to rebuild a more disability-inclusive future.
Other links and resources
- Concept note here
- REPORT: The experience of persons with disabilities with COVID-19
- Read about our work on Covid19
- Stakeholders Group of Persons with Disabilities in Sustainable Development
- High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2020
- Rebuilding an inclusive future for all campaign