In this edition:
- Activities in the past week
- Upcoming activities and events
- In other news
- TREATY BODIES: The 76th session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the 62nd session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) opened at Palais Wilson, in Geneva on 11 September 2017 and 18 September 2017, respectively. IDA supported a delegation of four representatives of a national coalition from Moldova in attending and participating in the review of their country by both committees.
- Human Rights Council: On 21-22 September 2017 took place an expert workshop on Witchcraft and Human Rights in the Palais des Nations, in Geneva. The objective of the meeting was to enable greater understanding of witchcraft related beliefs and practices, and their impact on the enjoyment of human rights, in order to prevent further abuses from taking place.
- ARTICLE 11: The 2-days in-person meeting of the NGO-International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Reference Group started on 25 September 2017 in Amman, Jordan. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss engagement in the drafting of the Global Compact on Refugees. Further information will be provided in the next newsletter.
- ARTICLE 11 multi-stakeholder workshop: The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Task Team on inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action is holding a multi-stakeholder workshop on 2-3 October 2017 at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva, with support from Finland. The aim of the meeting is to advance the development of the Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, in a consultative manner.
- ARTICLE 11, Consultation on New York Declaration. UNHCR and IDA are organizing an online and in-person briefing on the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework and the Global Compact for Refugees on 3 October 3.30pm – 4.30pm (Geneva time). Briefing will be from Deputy Director, Mr. Mamadou Dian Balde. A discussion will then follow on a joint submission to UNHCR on the rights of refugees with disabilities and the future Global Compact.
- IDDC: IDDC and IDA are co-hosting an informal meeting to enhance the coordination for CRPD compliant SDG monitoring on 26 and 27 September 2017, in London, United Kingdom. The meeting will be co-financed by IDDC members, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Handicap International and Sightsavers. The meeting will be attended by representatives of ADF, PDF, RIADIS, WNUSP and II, as well as Disability Rights Advocacy Fund (DRAF). The purpose of the 2-day event is to share existing or upcoming initiatives with regards to CRPD-compliant SDG monitoring at country and regional levels and learnings from the High-Level Political Forum. Synergies and complementarities in coverage, methods, knowledge-sharing and/or any relevant area will be identified to optimize efforts and resources. The meeting will be attended by Megan Smith, SDG Liaison Officer, and Tchaurea Fleury, representing the BRIDGE coordinator. IDA and IDDC produced a mapping of the civil society contribution to monitor the implementation of a CRPD compliant Agenda 2030. Article coming soon.
- BRIDGE CRPD-SDGs: The next IDA-IDDC BRIDGE CRPD-SDGs Training of Trainers Module B will take place in Brighton, United Kingdom, from the 28 September 2017 to the 5 October 2017. The Training is co-organised by IDA and Sightsavers and is financed by DFID, Sightsavers, Handicap International (HI), CBM and DRF (see below). The training will gather 17 trainees from Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific, including deaf people and persons with psychosocial disabilities. In addition, 13 invited experts and partners will attend some of the sessions, including representatives from IDDC (Sense International, Sightsavers, Handicap International, LFTW, CBM), the International Centre for Evidence in Disability, Big Lottery Fund, and UK Department for International Development and Development Pathways. Sessions will cover topics such as legal harmonisation or budgetary advocacy as well as the role and evaluation of the disability movement, and inclusive facilitation.
- DISABILITY BUDGETING SURVEY: Action Disability Development International is conducting a survey to gather data on disability budgeting in different countries. The aim of the survey is to inform future research and global advocacy on disability-inclusive development finance. The deadline for completing the survey is 31 October 2017. For more information, please contact Polly Meeks at polly.meeks [at]