- April 19, 2021

From 20 to 22 April 2021, the African Disability Forum (ADF), National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU), National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda (NUWODU), the Uganda National Association of Cerebral Palsy (UNAC) and the International Disability Alliance (IDA), in partnership with the Disability Rights Fund (DRF/DRAF) and the Center for Inclusive Policy (CIP), hosted a 3-day workshop in Uganda.

The aim of the workshop was to bring together a diverse group of OPDs to build a common understanding of what disability-inclusive social protection means for persons with disabilities and to learn more about national initiatives and advocacy around this issue.

The workshop facilitated building the capacity of OPDs to advocate for social protection for persons with disabilities with the aim to promote their full and effective participation in society.

In nutshell

The workshop accommodated 30 participants and 5 facilitators, with a very diverse audience, mainly represented by 

  • 47% female participants and facilitators,
  • 80% from underrepresented groups of persons with disabilities,
  • 100% facilitators with disabilities themselves,
  • 3 national, 1 regional and 3 global partners.

Policy exchange session

The training also counted with a policy exchange session with UNICEF representatives from the UNICEF Uganda officer – Ana Pantelic, Social Policy Manager, and Christopher Kasaija, Disability Lead.

Training of trainers’ process

This training also serves as a pilot of the Social Protection training being developed by IDA in partnership with the UNPRPD-ILO-UNICEF Inclusive Social Protection Project, involving the ToT participants of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative.  

A thematic report will be produced and widely shared very soon.

>> Read the ADF's Call for Action on Inclusive Social Protection here.

>> Download the concept note here

>> Download the list of participants here

>> For further information, contact Alradi Abdalla aabdalla [at]

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Country: Uganda

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