- June 9, 2023

Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities’ respond to the Zero Draft of the Political Declaration to be adopted at the HLPF on Sustainable Development

A visual transcription of issues raised by civil society during a consultation on the Zero Draft.  Photo courtesy UNDESA

The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities (SGPwD) in its response to the Zero Draft of the Political Declaration to be adopted at the HLPF on Sustainable Development has called for recognizing the root causes and providing solutions to the systemic political and economic marginalization and discrimination experienced by all excluded groups, including persons with disabilities. It has also called on the international community to create an accessible and inclusive world by making all funds and programmes disability-inclusive, providing support services to ensure community inclusion. 

The SGPwD, in its detailed response, has called for systemic changes focusing on:

  • Data to drive disability-inclusive policymaking to accelerate the 2030 agenda
  • Providing dedicated funding for inclusive development for persons with disabilities, including for climate change and climate action
  • Aligning domestic and resource flows towards SDG implementation and introduce equitable budget processes that facilitate the active participation of OPDs 

It has also highlighted the following key themes:

  • An intersectional approach, with particular attention to women and girls with disabilities
  • Inclusive education and addressing disability gap in education
  • Access to affordable and accessible assistive technology for persons with disabilities
  • People-centred approach to preventive DRR by creating sustainable mechanisms for meaningful participation including OPDs

The need for systemic transformation was also highlighted by Jarrod Clyne, Head of Advocacy at International Disability Alliance speaking on behalf of the SGPwD at the Informal Stakeholder Dialogue – Inputs to the Zero Draft Political Declaration for the SDG Summit organised by DESA on June 7. You can read more about it here.

Click here to read the SGPwD response to the Zero Draft

Click here to read the summary of the SGPwD response to the Zero Draft

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