We will ensure that gender equality is a core organisational objective. We will advocate for women and girls with disabilities to be included in various services, particularly those combatting sexual violence. More women than men are blind through preventable causes: we will therefore set a goal that women should make up at least 60% of all trachoma and cataract surgeries in our health programmes within three years.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Over the next two years, we will leverage the learning from our inclusive eye health toolkit to enable it to be applied to other health sectors. We will train staff on gender mainstreaming and systematically analyse gender disaggregated data.

Sign up to the Inclusive Data Charter
We are committed to the Inclusive Data Charter and will implement an action plan.We will increase the capacity of staff and partners to incorporate data disaggregation in their work, systematically include disaggregated data in our project systems and monitoring, and work collaboratively to share learning.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Our action plan will be published before the summit and will be on the GPSDD website. The action plan will be reviewed and updated regularly. We will use relevant events to showcase the Charter and our action plan, and encourage others to sign up to the Charter.

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Sightsavers works in more than 30 countries worldwide, focusing on Africa and Asia.

NGO - International