Comprehensive programmes to frame the implementation of the SDGs in compliance with the CRPD and maximise 2030 Agenda implementation for all persons with disabilities
Our ongoing Projects and Initiatives
- Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative
- Disability Inclusive Development (DiD) – consortium project led by Sightsavers
- Inclusion Works – consortium project led by Sightsavers
- Indigenous persons with disabilities
- Making DPOs Equal Partners of Inclusive Development in Africa
Completed projects
- Making the most of the Sustainable Development Goals to ensure the realisation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (MoFA Finland)
- Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action – consortium project led by HI
- Disability Catalyst Programme (DFID) (Jan 2017- Mar 2020)
- Youth with disabilities / the project with the United Nations Population Fund
- Poverty dynamics and disability in rural Bangladesh (project with Overseas Development Institute)
- Inclusive Social Protection – in partnership with ILO