The Human Rights Council Task Force on Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities was created by IDA as part of the "Review of the HRC" that culminated in 2011. It is supported by numerous stakeholders, including the Human Rights Council, and coordinated by the HRC Presidency's office. Members if the bureau include: HRC, UNOG and relevant departments, the HRC secretariat staff of OHCHR, the CRPD Secretariat staff of OHCHR, IDA, and others. As a member of the Task Force, IDA has actively supported the review of the UN Heritage Plan and restructure of the Council’s programme of work to be more inclusive of and accessible to persons with disabilities.
The task force held a meeting on 31 May 2013, in which progress on implementation of the task force’s recommendations was reviewed. A report was presented to the Council on 14 June on the status of implementation of the recommendations of the Task Force on accessibility for persons with disabilities (A/HRC/23/CRP.2).
A meeting of the HRC Task Force on Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities took place in Geneva on 16 October 2013. In addition to individual measures, key developments include a P3-level OHCHR consultancy resulting in the "Accessibility Guide to the Human Rights Council for Persons with Disabilities", created with input from IDA. The Task Force has created a Task Force web page; and UNOG has put a link to "Accessibility at UNOG" on the front page of its website, with information about accessibility and progress being made.
The HRC decided that the Task Force would report during regular meetings to the HRC on its progress and future work. In addition, the HRC President Statement on Enhancing the Human Rights Council’s Efficiency requested the OHCHR to develop, manage and support a more accessible and user-friendly webpage for the Human Rights Council, its mechanism and procedures.