The FCDO’s Disability Capacity Building Programme (DCBP) aims at supporting the development and growth of an organised, capable, diverse, representative and accountable global disability rights movement. The DCBP builds on the learnings from the Disability Catalyst Programme.
Duration: 1 April 2020 until 31 March 2024 (4 years)
Budget: (overall programme) 25 million GBP, including 5.4 million GBP to Component 2 (DCBP-IDA) managed by IDA and Sightsavers (SSI)
IDA and Sightsavers are delivering a component of the Disability Capacity Building Programme focused on growing the collective capacity of the disability rights movement at national and global levels. The expected outcome from the program is a development agenda that is more inclusive of persons with disabilities, thanks to enhanced and meaningful engagement of the diversity of persons with disabilities in shaping and monitoring programmes and policies.
Program components:
1. Promoting accountability – “Accountability mechanisms are in place to incentivize genuine and sustained progress and used by OPDs to monitor commitments made on advancing the rights of persons with disabilities”. This stream work will create tools, networks and reports to help OPDs and their allies conduct a rigorous analysis of performance and hold governments and other stakeholders to account on key delivery areas related to GDS, CRPD and SDG commitments, including:
- Global Disability Summit (Secretariat and monitoring/tracking mechanism)
- The GLAD Network (including support to the Secretariat)
- CRPD and SDGs monitoring
2. Advancing Inclusive Education – “The disability rights movement and its allies have developed capacities, technical recommendations, and standards to influence global efforts and key education initiatives; as well as to provide technical assistance in reforming education systems towards the provision of quality, equitable, inclusive education for all, framed in compliance with the CRPD”. In particular, this workstream supports:
- the IDA Inclusive Education Flagship Initiative, including further dissemination of the IDA Global Inclusive Education Report, task team meetings, outreach to international education stakeholders.
3. Building technical capacities – “The capacity of the disability rights movement is strengthened to ensure engagement of the diversity of persons with disabilities in defining, implementing and monitoring strategies for implementing CRPD and achieving sustainable development targets at all levels”, including through:
- the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training, funding and fellowships to OPDs and increase the inclusion of underrepresented groups.
- an online training platform and courses
- capacity-building workshops
- the IDA Fellowship Programme
- support members' activities through micro-grants
4. Mobilising underrepresented groups – “Women, children, youths and indigenous persons with disabilities have grown their collective capacity to voice their concerns, and progress is secured to realize their rights in areas of strategic importance to them”. This workstream will support coordinated advocacy by women, youths and indigenous groups of persons with disabilities, through:
- networks consolidation
- webinars and training on priority issues
- targeted advocacy support.
DCPB-IDA is a direct contribution to the implementation of IDA’ Strategic Framework 2020-2023 and its 6 pillars. It builds on the first phase of the first Disability Catalyst Programme (DCP1), whose external evaluation highlighted the strong contribution in building on the 2030 Agenda’s momentum and in creating the preconditions for accountability on the inclusion of persons with disabilities.
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