In order to support organizations of persons with disabilities, their allies and partners to run a more successful advocacy toward prioritization, inclusivity and accessibility of the vaccination processes to persons with disabilities, IDA and IDDC have developed a toolkit available in four languages.
Advocacy Letters
- Read our advocacy letters to the United Nations related to accessibility in the Covid19 pandemic
- Call to Action: Addressing discrimination and inequality in the global response to COVID-19
- International Disability Alliance letter to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, World Health Organisation
- World Federation of the Deaf letter to World Health Organisation
- Disability-Inclusive Development, Program and Services (DIDEPAS): Advocacy letter to the Prime Minister
General Recommendations & Guidelines
International Disability Alliance key recommendations
- English - PDF | Word | Easy Read | Infographic
Translations (the following translations of the IDA key recommendations around Covid19 have been provided by external organisations and third parties. IDA bears no responsibility for the accuracy of the documents).
- Francais - PDF | Word
- Espanol - PDF | Word
- عربى - PDF | Word
- Português - PDF | Word
- 한국어 - PDF | Word
- 中文 - PDF | Word
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Bangla - PDF
World Blind Union
- Call to Action: 19 Actions for an inclusive Covid-19 response
- Appel à l’action de l’UMA: 19 actions pour une réponse inclusive au Covid-19
- Llamamiento de la UMC a la acción: 19 medidas para una respuesta inclusiva al Covid-19
World Federation of the Deaf
World Federation of the Deafblind
- Recommendations on inclusive policies from the global deafblind community
- Recomendaciones para unas políticas inclusivas de la comunidad global de sordociegos
Federation Nigérienne des Personnes Handicapées (Videos)
- COVID19 Resource - Key advocacy messages, questions to ask on inclusion and signpost to resources to learn more (word version here)
Relief Web
Inclusion International
- VSO International: Toolkit messages for persons with disabilities during Covid19 response
- The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies: Legislative Recommendations for Public Health Emergencies and Disasters
- World Institute on Disability: Recommendations for Immediate Action Regarding the Rights & Needs of People with Disabilities Who Use Personal Assistance Services & Supports Throughout COVID-19 Planning & Response
- BOND Group: COVID19 Guidance
- Fundacíon Cermi Mujeres: Guía De Oritenacions Prácticas de Denuncia de la violencia de género sobre mujeres niñas con discapacidad en la situación de emergencia por el coronavirus
- Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness Planning for COVID-19
- Social Development Direct: Recommendations for a disability-inclusive response to COVID-19
- Organisation of American States: Practical Guide to Inclusive and Rights-Based Responses to Covid19 in the Americas (Espanōl)
- Gender and Adolescence Global Evidence (GAGE): Impact of COVID-19 on Youth with Disabilities in English.
- Communication First: COVID-19 Communication Rights Toolkit
- Queenslanders with Disability Network: Person-Centred Emergency Prepardness Planning for COVID-19
- Indian Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities: Guidelines prepared for safety during lockdown period
- India: Government issues protective guidelines
- The Albino Foundation (TAF): COVID-19 Disability Inclusion Emergency Response
- Korean Disability Forum: Guidelines on hospitalisation of COVID-19 confirmed cases in persons with disabilities
Examples of local government responses to the COVID19 pandemic for persons with disabilities
- France: State Secretary of the Prime Minister for Persons with Disabilities: Flexibility of Outings for Persons with Disabilities
- United States of America, New York City Health: Guidance for people who may have increased risk
Advocacy Groups
- Facebook Group of the Deafblind community on COVID19
- Deaf in Scrubs is a Facebook page that provides medical information in sign language from a doctor and a graduate student in a public health program
- North Carolina Division of Services for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing has a Facebook page with frequent updates.