Today, Monday 14th August, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has initiated its 29th session. Throughout this session, the Committee will review the State’s reports and hold public constructive dialogues with 8 countries: Andorra, Austria, Germany, Israel, Malawi, Mauritania, Mongolia, and Paraguay.

It will also hold a Panel Discussion on Deinstitutionalization on Friday 18th August, at 3 pm Geneva time, with the purpose of sharing views and experiences related to deinstitutionalization processes, and the implementation of the right to live independently and being included in the community, in line with article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, General comment No 5  and the Guidelines on Deinstitutionalization, including in emergencies.

In preparation for the session, the International Disability Alliance (IDA) has worked together with national organizations of persons with disabilities from Austria, Germany, Israel, Malawi, Mauritania, Mongolia, and Paraguay, providing technical, financial, and logistical support depending on the country. In doing so, IDA has been glad to coordinate with other partners, including the Disability Rights Fund, IDA’s member of the Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons with Disabilities and their Families (RIADIS), and Women Enabled International. 

All the documents related to the reviews, including previous CRPD Committee documents, States Reports, and public alternative reports by organizations of persons with disabilities, civil society organizations, and national human rights institutions can be found on the CRPD Committee’s website devoted to session 29th.

Please find the full Programme of Work for the session here.

All public meetings will be webcast live by UN Web TV.

The opening session: Statement by International Disability Alliance

The public opening session started at 10 am CET and was held for 1 hour and 40 minutes. Following the representative of the Secretary-General, several stakeholders delivered statements before the Committee.

Mr. Vladimir Cuk delivered a statement on behalf of the International Disability Alliance. Among other things, Mr. Cuk expressed that “IDA is thankful and enthusiastic about the CRPD Committee’s decision to be ambitious in the process of developing comprehensive guidance on the many complex issues covered by Article 11 of the CRPD.” Mr Cuk further added “As the work on the general comments on Article 11 proceeds, we look forward to increased attention in this and future sessions on issues such as:


  • The role of organizations of persons with disabilities in peace-building processes;
  • States’ implementation of UNSC resolution 2475 in the context of Article 11;
  • Developing standards on asylum claims based on a well-founded fear of disability-related persecution;
  • Climate action and implementing a just and disability-inclusive transition.


A great level of engagement from organizations of persons with disabilities at the 29th session of the CRPD Committee!

National organizations of persons with disabilities from seven out of the eight countries under review are actively engaging with the CRPD Committee during the session, through their alternative reports and through their participation and private briefings with the CRPD Committee at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland, as foreseen by the CRPD Committee’s informative note, available here. All the public alternative reports can be found here.

The International Disability Alliance’s Advocacy Unit has supported OPDs from most of the countries involved in different ways, among other things by sharing information on the review process and on opportunities to participate and providing comments and suggestions to draft reports. IDA has also provided financial and logistical support to ensure the participation in Geneva, Switzerland, of OPD representatives from three of the countries.